[center] +MICHAEL+ "MICHAEL, WHERE ARE MY TEA AND BISCUITS?" That yell echoed throughout the Velvet Room and Michael almost dropped the tray in his hands. He kicked open the door and powerwalked over to Milton. "Here you are Master."he smiled, placing the tray down on the table. "Thank you."replied Milton, his voice back to normal. He took a sip a smiled, satisfied with the taste of the tea. "Ah, as wonderful as always." With his hand over his heart, Michael bowed. "Such a compliment is wasted on me, Master."he answered, his eyes still glued to the ground. Milton turned in his seat and chuckled, placing his finger underneath Michael's chin. He lifted up the man's face, their eyes locking. "Nonsense. A good master should compliment a good servant. Am I right, Michael?"asked Milton. "Well, you aren't wrong."replied Michael, straightening his back. Now standing over Milton, Michael smiled. "Do you need anything else?" "The next chance you have, summon our next guest." +SHINJI+ Shinji didn't even look at Kimiko. "Probably, Jonathon doesn't like normal people taking up space in the dorm."he said. Shinji normally didn't call adults by their first name, but Jonathon's last name Takeba was waaaay too close to Takaba. Takaba was the name of his homeroom teacher; Shinji hated all teachers. A sudden sound in the distance made Shinji stop walking and glance around his surroundings with caution. He didn't see anything, but he warned Kimiko anyways. "Did you hear that? Get over here and stay close to me." +SUNAKO+ "Yes."she replied, wondering what had happened. She decided to ask later and turned to Lance instead. "This is Momo."she introduced with a friendly smile. "And the one with the pillow is Kenji. It might be hard to see them right now..." As she said those words, Pikachu ran up the stairs on all fours. "CHU!"he cried, lighting up the second floor. "Oh, well, thank you Pikachu!"she thanked as she walked to the end of the hallways. Sunako looked back towards the three boys near the stairs. "This is your room, Lance."she informed, her finger on his nameplate. +SOUSUKE & KENJI+ Kenji felt relieved that the thing he attacked was actually Momo and not a shadow. Or Shinji. "I-I'm sorry!" Kenji looked back up at Momo, tears about to form in his green eyes. His nose felt stuffy and he truly felt bad for his actions. "Please forgive me!"he pleaded. He felt extra scared because last time this occurred, the one Kenji attacked was Shinji. Kenji was scarred for life now. "I'M SORRY, SORRY, SORRY SORRY, SORR-" whack "Calm down, Kenji." The sleepy Sousuke had stumbled out of their room with stealth and smacked his twin over the head. Then he grabbed his twin's hand and pulled his brother close to him. "It's okay, brother, nothing here will harm you."he soothed, Kenji's face buried in Sousuke's chest. Sousuke was actually half asleep at the moment, but he did this all the time because when they were little Kenji had frequent nightmares. Kenji hugged his brother for a moment before pulling away, silently thanking him. They were still holding hands. "Uh-huh, now go to Hikaru's room for the rest of the night."suggested Sousuke, who didn't even wait for Kenji to reply. He opened Hikaru's room and literally shoved him in there before shutting the door. Sousuke was probably the only person who noticed that Kenji always slept soundly whenever he was with Hikaru. Now fully awake, Sousuke looked over at the unfamiliar person in the hallway. "I'm sorry you had to see this." [/center]