OH SHIT A JEDLY APPEARED BEFORE HE CRASHES. [quote=@Tyrant from the West] :l the fact you view that as nothing makes me feel like im gonna really need to pick up my pace. Also ty, i was curious. Another great mami kawada song discovered 8D Edit- Accidentally refreshed the tab i was typing in instead of this one and lost all writing i had made in the past half an hour. Please just kill me now. [/quote] Welp. Might want to use Google Docs. Saved my arse on multiple occasions, never trust that F5 ke- Shit, I literally almost hit F5 while typing this, thinking it would input 'F5'. But yeah, don't feel intimidated by the opening posts. They should die down in size as the RP progresses... [i]should[/i], at least. See? Lucius' post is a pretty large one, which I'll save basking in its glory for tomorrow morning/afternoon. Now I'll truly log for the night.