[h1]Press Dalton[/h1] Gender: Male Age: 18 Appearance: [url=http://images.sodahead.com/profiles/0/0/3/4/2/8/3/7/7/machine-anime-guy-86602594342.jpeg]Here.[/url] Personality: He's actually quite friendly, unlike stereotypical rich kids that flaunt their money around. He is also fully aware of such stereotypes and prefers not to be known as someone who's rich. Instead, he wishes to be known for his Dueling prowess. However, he isn't exactly the most social person in the world, and tends to respond with short answers. Bio: [hider=Here]Press was born into a rather wealthy family who owned a Solid Vision company. As a child, Press was fascinated with Duel Monsters, and often spent a lot of time in a Duel Monsters stage where they tested the Solid Vision machines. One day, though, Press was in a terrible car accident, which resulted in the loss of his left arm. To replace it, his parents spent a lot of money getting a new arm that could function just as well as his old arm did. Press was fascinated with it, and spent a lot of time admiring it almost as much as he did Duel Monsters. As Press got older, Press used his savings getting people to help him add certain... modifications to his arm. Proud of his newly upgraded arm, he then set off to find a deck that would suit him, and he decided that the archetype for that deck would be Machines. He tried quite a few different ones, but none that really seemed to suit him. Ancient Gears, Cyber Dragons, Scraps, they were fine, but they were not strong enough to suit his desires. Then, he came across a certain set of cards in a card shop. They were very expensive, but Press got them anyway. He gathered more and more cards over time to improve his deck, and found that this was just the kind of deck that he so desired. They were even Machine-types, which was perfect. He entered local tournaments using this deck, and even entered a Dueling school. He won almost all of those tournaments, and quickly became one of the top students. He was then noticed by certain companies and hired to become a Pro Duelist. Then came the Khan's tournament. Press was quickly interested in it and even managed to find one of those white cards. Getting the plane ticket, he set off to enter the tournament and, hopefully, become #1.[/hider] Signature Feature: His left arm is completely robotic, and has a Duel Disk built into his forearm. It only comes out when Press needs to Duel, and can retract itself back into his forearm at will. Deck: Railway [hider=I like Trains] [b]Monsters: 18[/b] Heavy Freight Train Derricrane x 3 Night Express Knight x 3 Malefic Cyber End Dragon x 2 Tragoedia x 2 Express Train Trolley Olley x 2 Ruffian Railcar x 3 Maxx "C" x 2 Glow-Up Bulb x 1 [b]Spells: 9[/b] Revolving Switchyard x 3 Limiter Removal x 1 Special Schedule x 2 Terraforming x 3 [b]Traps: 13[/b] Bottomless Trap Hole x 1 Metal Reflect Slime x 3 Compulsory Evacuation Device x 1 Fiendish Chain x 2 Skill Drain x 2 Solemn Warning x 1 Trap Stun x 3 [b]Side Deck: 13[/b] Call of the Haunted x 3 Fiendish Chain x 1 Machine Force x 2 Machina Gearframe x 3 Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders x 1 Foolish Burial x 1 Cairngorgon, Antiluminescent Knight x 1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer x 1 [b]Extra Deck: 15[/b] Cyber End Dragon x 2 Number 101: Silent Honor ARK x 1 Evilswarn Exciton Knight x 1 Diamond Dire Wolf x 1 Skypalace Gangaridai x 2 Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max x 2 Number 81: Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Superior Dora x 2 Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer x 2 Star Eater x 2[/hider] Favorite Card: Superdimensional Robot Galaxy Destroyer