[color=aqua]Name: Ventus Gender: Male Age: 16 Abilities: Quick-footed, usually silent movement. He is also not only talented in the art of using a Poke-Flute, but also, like most aura-sensitive Pokémon, can see the auras of both Pokémon and humans; this ability makes blinding him virtually ineffective. Furthermore, through vigorous training with the wise Xatu, he has learned his own version of Teleport, in which case he normally uses for traveling short distances or crossing large gaps. Next, after journeying to Newmoon Island to visit Darkrai, he learned how to command the shadows, able to turn them into [url=http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Realm_of_Darkness#Corridor_of_Darkness]Corridors of Darkness[/url], allowing him to traverse the world freely. Last but not least, Ven then trained under Cresselia, allowing him to utilize Lunar Dance, either able to use it as a last resort heal or attack. Regardless, this will drain him of all of his energy and more than likely have him faint. Side: Scattered Description: A 5'10" male with black hair, brown eyes, and wears a [url=http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Coat]black coat[/url] (Basically, he is wearing what the picture on the link indicates, but will remove his hood every now and then). When he utilizes his aura-reading abilities, his eyes take on a red color. He also has a Mega Bracelet that he received from Steven, allowing him to mega evolve Serph and Sera. Ever since his brother Vanitas joined the Revolutioneers, he vowed that he would do whatever it takes to bring him back and so that they could fight side by side again. Team: Serph (Lucario), Sera (Gardevoir), Aqua (Eevee) Other: He wields an assortment of ninja tools. As a gift, he received a Lunar Wing from Cresselia, which he keeps on his person at all times as a necklace. Name: Serph Gender: Male Species: Lucario Level: 100 Side: Scattered Description: Ever since he was a level 5 Riolu, Ventus and Serph had been the best of friends. They traveled everywhere, learning new things from one another, and communicating through their auras. Whenever the “Age of Awareness” had first began, Serph remained by Ventus’ side. To the two of them, the line between trainer and Pokémon was no more. From then on out, they were close comrades, looking after one another. Name: Sera Gender: Female Species: Gardevoir Level: 100 Side: Scattered Description: Ven had first met Sera as a Shadow Ralts, opening up her heart through a close emotional bond. Soon enough, along with Serph, Sera would be a warmly welcomed third edition to their party. Now, as a purified shiny Gardevoir, it pains her to see both Pokémon and trainers turn on one another like this. She continuiously has been trying to convince Ventus to fight for the Trained and help the Revolutioneers see the error of their ways. Name: Aqua Gender: Female Species: Eevee Level: 25 Side: Scattered Description: Although she is slightly timid, Aqua is brave in the face of danger and has proven to be just as loyal as Serph. She joined Ven’s party after being found alone on a shore famous for its beautiful show of bubbles made by Krabby’s and Kinglers alongside a dazzling sunset.[/color] [color=red]Name: Vanitas Gender: Male Age: 16 Abilities: Unlike his brother, Vanitas opted to learn how to cause people to have nightmares from Darkrai, allowing him access to Dark Void. This means he has no use for a Poke-Flute. Also, he decided against visiting Cresselia, feeling he'd find all of the power he could need through the nightmares of others. Aside from those few differences, the two have picked up the same abilities through their travels. Side: Revolutioneer Description: A 5'10" male with white hair, yellow eyes, and wears a [url=http://kingdomhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Black_Coat]black coat[/url] (Basically, he is wearing what the picture on the link indicates, but will remove his hood every now and then). When he utilizes his aura-reading abilities, unlike his sibling, his eyes remain the same color. He also has a Mega Bracelet that he received from Lysandre, allowing him to mega evolve Heat. He feels that by being a Revolutioneer, his brother Ventus will be spared and remained unharmed, secretly working to destroy Montainum's army from the inside out. Team: Heat (Garchomp) Name: Heat Gender: Male Species: Garchomp Level: 100 Side: Revolutioneer Description: Ever since he was a level 20 Gible, Vanitas and Heat had been the best of friends. They traveled everywhere, learning new things from one another, and always testing each other’s strength. Whenever the “Age of Awareness” had first begun, Heat remained by Vanitas’ side. To the two of them, the line between trainer and Pokémon was no more. From then on out, they were close comrades, looking after one another. Name: Taka Gender: Male Species: Staraptor Level: 100 Side: Revolutioneer Description: Taking a walk through a forest one day, Vanitas stumbled upon a lone Starly, one that had quite a bit of trouble with flying due to being heavily injured from a defending its territory. The boy immediately decided to take the bird Pokémon with him on his journey, changing the young Starly's life in a major way. By nursing it back to health, Taka quickly regained his ability to fly, finding newfound strength in his human partner. Once the "Age of Awareness" began, Taka was delighted to be able to finally verbally display his gratitude towards his friend, vowing to continue to fight alongside him for as long as possible. Name: Charon Gender: Male Species: Dusknoir Level: 100 Side: Revolutioneer Description: Upon reaching the Spear Pillar, Vanitas is greeted by a portal. Before he can even investigate the other end, a shiny Duskull comes flying out from it, seeming to be rather fond of the boy that stood before it. Capturing the Pokémon within a Dusk Ball, the two become close within a few days time. Once the "Age of Awareness" came about, Vanitas quickly learned that the Duskull he had caught so long ago, it now being a Dusclops, had come from another timeline, one from which the Revolutioneers had succeeded with their plan, turning the world as they knew into something akin to a wasteland. Gifting him with the name of Charon, Vanitas vowed to help Charon prevent that future from happening within this world. [/color]