The world had begun to explode with colors and lights, and anywhere Dante looked for too long he would find wallpaper would begin to drip down, bringing the fabrics of reality down with it. How delightful it was to be wrapped in mortal flesh and bones and have one's mind affected into madness. He blinked, now the walls began to inhale and exhale with him. Another blink and he was unthinkably large for a tiny tiny room. He held his hands out before him, and studied his own digits as they detached themselves and ran away from him to go dancing with the guests. Another blink would see them back again. [b]Focus you blubbering imbecile or I shall snatch your worthless spirit from your piteous shell and replace you with someone more capable[/b] a heavy voice growled at him. A hallucination, perhaps? Best not to assume as such, the Dark Lord or not he did have a matter to attend to. He stood, leaning heavily against the wall as the world spun and flipped and righted itself again. Ah, there we go, back to normal. Dante blinked again and tried to remember that normal was not indeed in negative. [i]There are colors, bright and lovely. Focus on those[/i] he instructed himself, or more so the chemicals that played tricks in his mind. How delightful it was to be at the mercy of a force which was out of your control. Is this what his victims felt when they forfeited their souls for an ounce of good Colombian white? Something odd caught his attention as some fool tumbled down the stairs much like a rag doll violently dismissed from a spoiled child's presence. He closed his eyes tight, and opened them again to the man swaying like an idiot. [i]Too much champagne, these foul and miserable souls get a taste of life and just like himself they binge drink.[/i] He thought as he began to walk towards the man. He kept his hand along the wall, a sort of tether to the real world lest he should go flying off to Nirvana. He'd met Cobain at the end of a needle with supreme black tar. [i]Truly a talent. Truly a tormented, foolish, wasteful wasteful talent. He couldn't even be bothered to clear the syringe, no, make me use your bloody dirty needle you wasteful bastard.[/i] Dante caught his mind wandering again, and found he had been standing before the swaying man for who knows how long with vacant eyes. "I have a feeling you've indulged in a little bubbly tonight? Or are you dreadfully dull and simply have terrible coordination?" he asked with a heavy sense of detachment. He moved so he stood side by side with the man so that he might survey the Damned drinking and fucking themselves merry while they had a chance. Some stalked around, heads held long and chins thrust forward. Others found corners in which to fornicate- disgusting. Some boasted about the yachts they had, or the amount of slaves they had on their plantation. Many were crowded around the buffet tables that never seemed to go empty of sweets, or exotic dishes. A fair few seemed to just lounge about on the many sofa's and pillowed hideaways. Somewhere, if one listened closely, they could hear heated debates or witness all-out brawls, and many and more cut appraising glances at their fellow degenerates enviously. Or this was all some very grandiose trip he was on. He breathed it all on, trying to relax his fuzzy mind, and found a smile spring to his face. He then cast a sideways look at the odd, clumsy individual, and arched his brow. "Or maybe, the effort of walking was all too much for you?" he wagered another guess. This very much seemed to be the work of his lazy incompetent sibling. Is this how he planned to participate in the evening's festivities? [i]I'll wager I corrupt my prize well before you do,[/i] he thought to himself. [i]You'll be here half a bloody century before you can be bothered to get around to it.[/i] Dante chuckled and plucked another tray of hor d'oeuvres from the finger tips of some passerby butler. And popping bite sized quiche into his mouth, one after the other, faster than anyone could seem to chew and swallow the previous one. He'd had better, and much preferred the shrimp cocktail, but they would't be bringing that out until later so that it could stay fresh. He sighed at the thought, as he chewed a mouthful of quiche, that dribbled from his lips and down his chin. Pausing briefly to wipe away at it with the cuff of his tailored tux, and return to his feast anew when another passing butler had delightful bite sized creme brulee. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Roxie grew restless before noticing a few new faces beginning to appear in the crowd. One such was a man wearing a frightening manic mask that evoked no craving or desire within her. She felt all at once disappointment and frustration- two emotions that served only to ruin pretty faces with hideous wrinkles, and were at such odds than the emotions of pleasure, excitement, and satisfaction that she so desperately sought out. [i]Surely this one cannot be mind,[/i] she thought to herself. Another scan of the room revealed to her another disgruntled looking guest wearing a garb of red silk and velvet. The colors of passion, romance, and lust were ill-matched with the apparent temperament of the one robed in them. Still, she found the prospect of seducing men that might please her for a moment or two far outweighed her disappointment in their presentations. For all she knew they could be very well endowed and had a fetish for bondage and domination. There was only one way to find out. Put off by the mask-wearing guess, she decided to set her sights on the crimson visitor who seemed so decidedly unhappy to be there. She still, would spare a glance to the mask-wearer putting all of her effort into her patented "come fuck me" face. She sauntered past him and right up to her target. She stopped, putting her weight on her right heel (which accentuated her curves in a very calculated manner) and reached up to coil a lock of blonde hair around her slender fingers. "Now, here's someone who doesn't seem pleased with his party guests," she cooed. She began to walk around him, taking the liberty to trail a well manicured hand first along the length of his arm, then across his broad back. She stopped slightly behind him, so that when she spoke again her voice would be in his ear. "You seem like someone who appreciates the finer things, they all seem like they know nothing of the sort," she said in a softer voice than when she had initially addressed him. Then she leaned forward a little closer, "but I'm sure you have exquisite tastes," she whispered. She fell back on her heels again, daring him in her mind to turn and look upon her. But she found that as she gazed upon him a peculiar little pain- like a migraine- began to form in her temples, and was almost instantly cured when she looked away from him to scour the party-goers for any other potential target.