[center] +KENJI+ Kenji slowly slipped into Hikaru's bed, nuzzling up close to him. "No nightmare this time..."he said softly, happily gazing into his love's eyes. He spoke with a sweet voice, almost like a cute...I don't know but Kenji's tone of voice sounded adorable. He had a strange affect on people sometimes; if you just looked at him, you get the feeling you get when you see puppies doing something cute. This usually doesn't happen to straight guys like Shinji and Momo, unfortunately. "I woke up to quiet footsteps coming up the stairs and assumed it was a shadow. So, I grabbed my pillow and attacked it but it was just Momo."he whispered. Kenji's smile could be seen through the darkness and his voice started to become a little louder. "I panicked because I remembered how angry Shinji became when I beat him with the pillow. But! Brother helped me and told me to be with you~~ ♥" +SUNAKO+ Sunako smiled and bid Lance goodnight before she shut the door to his room. "I hope he sleeps alright, he must have had a rough day." He was scheduled to arrive hours ago, but Sunako figured there must have been a delay or something. She smiled and was about to go back to her room when she remembered Momo. "Oh!"she gasped, walking over to his door. "Momo?"she knocked softly, as to not disturb the other males on the floor. Sunako wanted to make sure he didn't get hurt or anything; you never know...a feather sticking out of the pillow sometimes hurt if it scratched your skin. "Hmmm...maybe he went to sleep already."she concluded after only a few seconds. Sunako shrugged her shoulders and began walking back downstairs to wait for Shinji. Pikachu probably went back downstairs. +PIKACHU+ PIKACHU WAS NOT DOWNSTAIRS. The sneaky robot was in Momo's room. He slipped inside when Momo had opened the door like a stealthy ninja. "Pika!"he called out to Momo happily. Pikachu was sitting on a notebook that belonged to Momo. He glanced down for a moment, able to see normally even though it was the Dark Hour, and flipped open the cover. "Pikachu! Pikapika~!" For some reason, Pikachu was laughing at the teen. +SHINJI+ Shinji nodded and used his free arm to dig through his pocket. He pulled out a remote with a design of a small lightning bolt marked at the top. "I have a plan in case we end up in deep shit."he reassured calmly, staring at the device. "One of us will need to press the red button in the top right corner of this remote. Pikachu's cheeks will light up and he'll alert the others to get over here." A large thud caught Shinji's attention and he turned his head to the right, spotting nothing. He turned to the left but still saw nothing. "Hmm...Kimiko, do you have your weapon and evoker with you?"he asked. [/center]