[b]Name:[/b] Mysaren [b]Race:[/b] Bean Nighe [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Occupation:[/b] Unemployed, robs graves for a living. [b][u]Personality/Interests[/u][/b] On the surface, she seems like a very easy person to talk to, someone who you can trust, someone who knows a lot about the world. On the inside, though, Mysaren just desperately wants to be accepted by people. One of her biggest fears is people not liking her. Mysaren can be seen as somewhat manipulative, lying and cheating to people often to get her way, although this is something that she is trying to fix. She's definitely not above dirty tricks in order to get what she wants, or sometimes needs. Despite this, she's definitely loyal to those she cares about, and definitely tries to help her friends in family in any way she can. Mysaren is somewhat hot-headed, and has a very quick temper. On the inside, she's a very sensitive person, though. She takes a lot of things literally, and doesn't really appreciate jokes or teasing at all. She cares immensely about her family at home, and her greatest fear is something bad happening to them. Her entire life has been spent trying to support them the best she can, even stealing and cheating in order to get money. She's often very cheap, not liking to spend money frivolously, even if she has money. She has a bit of a mistrust for anyone with large amounts of money as well. [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] Mysaren is a rather tall women, having the look of a warrior. She's muscular, with a chiseled, prominent jaw and square face. She has short, curly black hair, which barely goes past her ears, although her bangs cover her eyes if not pulled back. She has dark brown skin, which is marred with various scars. Her eyes are deep-set, and blue eyes that look like the deep end of the pool. Freckles cover a large amount of her face, and are lightly sprinkled on her shoulders. [b][u]Details[/u][/b] [i]Body build:[/i] Muscular, well built. [i]Hair:[/i] Short, curly. [i]Hair color:[/i] Black. [i]Skin color:[/i] Dark brown. [i]Eye/Iris color:[/i] Dark blue. [i]Height/Weight:[/i] 6'3, 185. [i]Notable Features:[/i] Freckles, her arms and legs are somewhat covered in scars. [b][u]Clothing Description[/u][/b] She tends to wear long, dark purple robes with a gold trim around the edges, and a hood. Underneath, she wears a black tunic, a normal pair of pants which are brown, and a belt, which is covered in various small pockets and bags. She carries a larger, messenger bag that's made of black leather and has several runes carved into it. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] A spell book and several other books, a few healing and mana potions, and various materials for her spell work. [b][u]Weapon(s)[/u][/b] Her wand, a knife, and a small sword. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] Due to her years spent living in the darkness, she has a heightened sense of sight. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] She is able to tell when someone is about to die, although she can't get specifics on who/why/how. [b][u]Talents[/u][/b] Hand to hand combat. Petty thievery [b][u]Magic[/u][/b] Deals primarily in Necromancy. Talking with the deceased, being able to call upon them in times of battle.