Takeshi would have thought growing up in the wilds would make you hardier, not the other way around. According to Shu his upbringing was much harder, so why then was he not as tough? To him it didn't make a lot of sense no matter how he sliced it, there was probably some psychological mumbo-jumbo Vegeta could explain it with but he didn't want to hear it. Looking over at his brother the older boy sighed, smacking his face before shaking his head, "You were brought up by monkeys, but you're not actually a monkey. If I was raised by wolves would that make me a wolf? No, I'd be a Saiyan, I was just brought up by them. Get what I'm saying?" The people who raised you didn't change what you were, after all he wasn't human though he'd been brought up by one. Hearing that the time spent with his older brother was the best made a quick change in Takeshi's mood, breaking him out into a smile as he itched at his nose sheepishly. "Well... I've got to take care of my little brother, you know? I think we've got money left over back home, but if we don't then we can always get a job," he said, pausing for a moment before chuckling and looking over at Shu, "Well... I can get a job. I guess you can keep an eye on all the food we'll be growing." "I was a little shocked when I first saw it, I won't lie. Actually shocked might be putting it lightly," Eslaria mused with a small smile, "But since then I've calmed down, and I can see that you've gotten better. Are you completely better? Not yet, but you're definitely improving. So to answer your question, no, I'm not afraid of it. I worry as your mother but I'm certain that things will get better as they have been." He may not be wholly himself, but considering how T'charrl had looked upon their last meeting this was a vast improvement. She should really thank his friends with more than just a meal, but she hadn't a clue what more could be offered. Money was moot if they were traveling off world, and they hardly came around enough to warrant giving them a home or something of the likes. She supposed the only thing that could be offered was somewhere to stay and some hot food when they came around, even if some of her son's friends might be a touch insufferable. "I'm not afraid either, though I saw less than your mother did. You're a strong boy, if it were anyone else I doubt they could make it through this. Already you seem to be healthy again, and it's only going to get better from here on out. Just keep working at it T'charrl, and let your friends help you along the way, things will work out." It may not be an easy recovery, as no doubt up to this point it was hard, but it would happen. Raising an eyebrow at the question of the musician Yusef looked around the room, noticing that the man was in fact nowhere to be seen. "He was supposed to perform during the meal, as he wanted to meet you too I think. Strange that he's not here," he said, sighing as he got up from his seat, "I'll go find him then, no doubt he's just gotten lost wandering around the palace. I hope you boys enjoy the rest of your visit, and thank you for being so helpful to our son." Smiling down at T'charrl, Yusef rubbed his head before heading to the door, exiting the dining hall and being flanked by the two men who had been stood there. So maybe having a child was out of the question for Viral, now at least. Once he had recovered and was on the track to being healthy again maybe she could propose the idea, see how he took to it. She could well have continued pressing the matter now in hopes that he would give in, but something that had been said got her to thinking. The day that June and Aito had been killed, when Viral was put into a sort of stasis and even when he was woken up, she could vividly recall near all of it in her mind. Now that they had background information on the former it made more sense, but what struck her as odd in retrospect was why the Beastman had been allowed to stay out. He had killed Vegeta's parents, and yet was allowed to not only be around the young Saiyan but also to essentially raise him. Why was that? "I don't know why, I really don't. Maybe someone in the company did want to get us out of the way? Maybe someone wanted to take the head seat and was angry that Vegeta was inheriting the company instead, I don't know. It could be a lot of nothing, I wouldn't take this to heart really." Giving her head a curious scratch Yumi glanced over towards Vegeta, wondering if they should bring it up with him as well. If she was thinking it then he had to have at some point too, right? Maybe he was already watching someone, though they'd never know unless they asked. Wanting to go ahead and do just that she looked over at Viral, smiling slightly as she shrugged her shoulders, "Just recently really, it's never occurred to me before. Like I said, I can't think of any person who would try that, or why really. Vegeta basically lets others run it already so why bother getting rid of him?"