[b]ACCEPTING NEW CHARACTERS[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BsCOcdq.jpg[/img] [hider=source]http://www.wallpaperup.com/37180/Star_Wars_1313_street_cities_slums_video_games_sci_fi_science_futuristic_creatures_aliens_mood.html[/hider] Gutter fiends... The world is an evil and unforgiving place; steal and survive, or die. We are better than this. We are skilled. We are more than peasants waiting to die. There are a few chosen by some unseen entity, some god or some fate, to escape this slum. There are a few chosen to be more. The question is if they have the courage to break the mold, to go against the flow. People are trapped in the slums, going on day to day, accepting the fact that [i]this[/i] is the way life is... Few indeed will throw off the bonds of acceptance and be different...Be [b]free[/b]... This is the seed of our world. Feel free to create and improvise. There is no map, no lexicon. There is only us, the writers. Create. I am GM and as such if I feel that your post is breaking any standard RP rules or doesn't fit the story I will ask you to fix it or I will remove it. No harm no foul, simple rules. I will put up a simplistic character template in the character tab. You do not have to post a sheet and get accepted. That thread is for established characters and is meant as a log of sorts to add to as you develop your character in IC.. Let us begin!