Calling writers of all skills! Who wants to have a party on a cruise ship filled with fever-ridden murderers!? [center][h1]Dead Cruise[/h1][/center] Holidaying on a luxury world class cruise liner, the Hippo’s Destiny, seemed like the vacation of a life time. With each ticket costing a whopping $45,000, getting yourself on the ship was nothing short of bank breaking – unless you were from the more fortunate backgrounds, of course. Still though, it was worth it right? The Hippo’s Destiny is just one giant floating city with a 24/7 night life. Designed with young people in mind, the ship boasts plenty of bars, clubs, takeaway outlets, swimming pools, sports grounds and everything else these kinds of liners tend to lack. With the drinks flowing, the dance floors heaving and the DJs spinning, you prepared yourself for 4 whole weeks of partying bliss as the big white mammoth of a ship traversed itself slowly around the Mediterranean. That was, until everything turned into a horror freak show. Some kind of illness spread amongst the passengers and crew – a harsh fever, which rapidly turned its victims violent with rage. Before you had time to sink your second JD and coke of the night, these sick people spewed into whatever premise you happened to be occupying, and began attacking everyone. Not really knowing how you escaped, you’ve arrived back in your cabin, and have bolted the door shut – along with loads of other passengers fortunate enough to escape. But now what? The screams have stopped, but there’s no alarms, no call for evacuation, and that constant banging going on in the corridor is certainly not one of the ship’s crew trying to wake someone up. It’s time to arm yourself, hatch a plan of escape, and get off this luxury nightmare of feverish horror. [center][h2]Rules[/h2][/center] - Posts to be no more than 300 words in length (though I won’t be draconian with this). If you can’t advance your character’s story in 300 words, then you need to stop describing that beautiful biscuit tin over there on the counter. - There are no guns on this ship. - There are no war veterans on the ship. I know, crazy right? - There are no 14yo anime chicks on this ship either, keep your Eastern perversions to the- I’m joking. This is a non-serious RP, in that I do not really care what shape it takes. I’m more eager to just write something, more than anything. Do what you want, be what you want. - The sick people are just people. They’re a little giddy, and very angry, but they’re not totally stupid. They can open doors, press buttons and cook a microwave dinner. They can also use weapons, such as pool cues, broken glasses and tools! - The survivors, about ¼ of the passengers and crew, are immune. Therefore, the sick people will try to kill them rather than transmute the infection. [h2][center]Character Sheet[/center][/h2] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Sex:[/b] Obligatory yes please. [b]Age:[/b] [b]Appearance:[/b] [b]Occupation:[/b] [b]Crew or Passenger:[/b] Crew are more likely to know their way around the ship! [b]Improvised Weapon:[/b] Can be anything strong enough to kill or maim. For example, a chair leg? A sharpened tooth brush? A chair leg WITH a sharpened tooth brush strapped to it!? Good God the horror! [b]Equipment of Note:[/b] Phones, keys, um… mirrors? They might be handy. But yeah, anything that may serve some kind of purpose. [b]Character’s Starting Location:[/b] I haven’t got a map for the cruise liner, and I don’t want one. We’ll design it as we go. Just state your character’s location at the start of the RP. An example would be “his cabin, Deck 3A”