Privates Pious and Mcdonalds headed back to the main hallway, with Hampus and Clifford in tow. Once there, they rendezvoused with the rest of the team. The only room they had left to explore was the one at the far end of the main hall. It was quite a door, taking up the entire wall and being coated in alarming yellow-and-black stripes. Whatever was behind this door was certainly important. Though the door was clearly supposed to be well-guarded, it had no security systems whatsoever. Merely stepping forward was sufficient for it to open. With an ominous rush of air, the door opened, rising upwards into the topmost part of the frame. Through the doorway, nothing could be seen but a cargo elevator surrounded by blank concrete walls. Unusually, the elevator's bottom seemed to largely consist of metal grilles, allowing one to see down to the bottom of the elevator shaft. Cautiously, the team piled onto the elevator, and began their descent. A loud screeching and grinding noise filled the area as the elevator slowly made its way downwards.