"You owe me money, brother." The thief had wandered into exactly the wrong alley - the alley where Ryan was watching the outcome of the mugging. "And you've reached your deadline." "Wait! No! I just nee-" The thief, who was frantically pleading for his life was cut off by a shot from a silenced pistol. Ryan kicked the corpse into the gutter, before holstering his gun and walking out into the alley. "Let it never be said that I allow those who default on their debts to get away." Though his suit was a dirty, tattered shadow of it's former condition, and his reputation had taken a massive hit from his last failed mission, he still had a code that he followed. And one piece of that code was to never let anyone take advantage of him for a prolonged period of time. A thief like this... he never had any intention of paying Ryan back, of that, he was certain. Now lets see... The person the thief had accosted said he had no money... but he might have connections. Ryan decided to follow him, talk with him, maybe propose a business arrangement. Everyone had SOMETHING of value that they could pay with, and if he wanted to start digging himself out of this hole he got dropped into, he would have to start accumulating clients again.