The red-haired woman felt hungry at a perfect time. Missing breakfast proved to be an unwise decision, but it also made lunch seem all the more appealing to the normally idle Sangue. Sangue's right eye opened a little wider than before as her claw continued to follow her. She finally seemed to notice the noises her claw was making. Making a small motion with her shoulder, the claw slowly retracted until it was fairly away from the ground. The claw no longer dragged itself across the ground, but now it ominously swung itself around like a hypnosis clock moving at multiple directions. A few seconds later, the claw retracted more, finally causing the contraption to hide itself within her clothes. "..." Sangue finally walked her own path, heading over to get some pasta. She seemed to have trouble holding her own tray, though she seemed confident with holding it on her own. The woman sat at an empty table, staring at the pasta for some odd reason. [i][b][color=f9ad81]I don't know what I just picked up.[/color][/b][/i] Funnily enough, she never ate pasta before. She simply stared at the food and the utensil she could use to eat it. Her brain began to process how to eat pasta.