[i][b]Guts - Leviathan Belly, The Warp[/b][/i] Guts tread along a branch of nerves leading to a vast, dome shaped cavern. Along the ground, electric sparks illuminated narrow valleys lining the surface of a subtly firm material, almost feeling like clay. Guts knew from many split skulls what this was, and wasted no time in chopping downward, slamming his blade into the squishy brainflesh with zeal. Immediately, volts of energy raced up the iron and into his arms. Even as smoke started to plume out from between them, Guts grit his teeth and created another chop. Lightning crackled around the entire brain, and surged up through Guts' body. The Black Swordsman let out a bestial roar as the panel on his chest lit up, supercharging the battery until the skull pauldrons exploded. A field wrapped around his body and expanded, growing far beyond the normal limit, and engulfing part of the Warpwhale. With a crackle of electricity, the front half disappeared, leaving only a gargantuan, disembodied tail of meat and gore and unrecognizable parts floating in the Warp. [i][b]Guts - Konoha[/b][/i] The front half of a gargantuan space whale materialized in the sky, its entrails floating behind like a flag, if flags were made of loose intestines. Gore splattered like rain, painting buildings as the beast descended with increasing speed, until it slammed into the face of a giant woman's face carved from stone, spreading meat and gristle across the memorial. Even while alive the beast smelled of rot; now it truly reeked of death and decay. From the outside, its body was more clearly made of a substance that could be called meat, but harsher, not of this world. Though its shape was similar to some earthly beast, it was far larger, with too many eyes, too many teeth, and jagged spikes of bloodied bone protruding at odd angles. The beast's body gave off a spasm; its jaws snapped, and its head fell sideways, smacking against the ground, crushing several buildings. An eye, a little taller than a man, stared into the emptied streets. It quivered a little, then rocketed forth as it was kicked out from its cavity from the inside, trailing a layer of slime. Guts emerged; plumes of smoke trailed off from fresh burn wounds, and blood trickled out from his ears, nose, mouth, and good eye. The Black Swordsman wrapped his cape around his shoulders, and walked past the crowds running forward to examine the damage, his feet crunching on broken glass and dirt.