ooc: I'll come in to you at some point, but I don't want to follow just yet. I'll start off somewhere else. She sat on stoop steps, red lips wrapped around a cigarette, a rather large gun strapped to her back. Her hair was big and blonde today, her outfit a skintight black dress and neat heels. She also had a bronze coloured, metallic bird on her shoulder. "Are you going to work?" An older woman, looking bedraggled was glaring at her, arms folded as she eyed the outfit. "Yes, Mrs Montgomery," she said, looking up at the woman with her sweetest smile. "Young girl like you should be smoking," the woman scolded, a land lady who seemed to think she was her mother. "Sorry, Mrs Montgomery," she said. "And your hair," the woman continued. "You have such nice...." "Go to go, Mrs Montgomery," she said, putting out the cigarette quickly and standing, heading off at speed. She didn't want, and didn't need, a lecture. She didn't want to hear that she shouldn't have a gun, never mind the huge energy rifle. What she needed was a new challenge. Dragging drunks out of Cherry was money, but not enough. "Damn," she muttered to herself, lighting another cigarette. She stood outside Cherry, a bar known to be dark, dingy and where the girls danced 24 hours a day. She knew part of the reason she was hired was to advertise what was inside. She stood outside with a big, burly guy named CJ. CJ was serious and silent, which was how she liked it. She checked her phone, as she stood the other side of the door, smiling at punters who leered as they passed, though some avoided her eyes, when they saw the gun. No messages. No targets. No nothing. She needed a target, something to do. She needed money to get out of this pit and there was only so many ways to get the kind of money she wanted. She reached up and tickled the metallic bird's stomach.