[hider=Looks] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/140/1/c/carciphona___summoner_by_shilin-d65zfd9.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Alternative looks] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/311/b/e/bedc275e2b97212031ca0b2e7222a1c4.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Milo Cash Age: 250 Personality: Milo is very protective of creatures, and is slow to form strong bonds to people but once they are formed it takes a lot to destroy. Background: Milo is considered young for a demon of his type. On his home plane, he trained as a "summoner" pulling creatures from other planes to do his bidding. Though the creatures always have a chance to resist and do as it wishes. This happened unfortunately when he summoned a dragon, ripped from the "material" plane. It rampaged and went about destroying all Milo knew as home, ruining his life. He tried to banish it, and continuously failed until he managed to strike a deal with the dragon. The deal was "Take me (the dragon) home, and I let what is left of your people live." Milo carried out the deal, but as he wasn't proficient in portal magic he had to go to the government for help who quickly banished him with the dragon for destroying half of the city. He has lived on this plane for only a few months trying to blend into society. Did they escape the hunters prison? No [hider=powers] -Summoning: The essential ability to pull creatures from other planes (and if he has a strong enough bound to someone the same plane) to do as he commands [normally fighting] -Animal telepathy: The signature trait of a trained summoner is the ability to communicate with animals with their mind, so not to give away any plans *keeps [url=https://t.cttsrv.com/transparent.gif] flying lizard [/url] Draydon with him [/hider]