[b]Maria Black, Tian Jin's backstreets[/b] "Look boys, you really don't want to do this." The girl said, looking entirely unconcerned for someone backed up against the alley wall by a group of five men. [color=f6989d]"Oh really, princess? And why is that?"[/color] The apparent leader of the group said. "Because," She started explaining, then in an instant she disappeared, reappearing with her arm around the neck of the man on the far left, just before she threw him over her shoulder into the side of a dumpster. The other four men rallied quickly, but not quick enough to prevent her from delivering a swift kick directly into the leader's stomach and following up with a knee to his chin when he bent over. "Anyone else?" She asked calmly, setting herself again as the big man fell over. The other three hesitated for a moment, then turned and ran without a word. "Typical," Maria snorted, rolling the man she had kicked over with her foot. "I haven't had a decent brawl in weeks." She bent over and started going through the man's pockets, finding his wallet. "This should be enough for the trouble you gave me," She said, pulling out the cash he had and tossing the wallet back at him. "Pleasure doing business with you." She stuffed the bills in her pocket and walked out of the alleyway, whistling a song she had stuck in her head.