The Bald Agent simply stared at Bee for a good five seconds as he answered his question. He slightly pushed up his black shades, setting the shades to process any verbal or facial tics. [i]Strawberry Sundae. Keyphrase confirmed. ...Facial tics are normal. This is Contact 'Paperclip'.[/i]. The Agent thought to himself, as he straightened out his tie, knowing that this man was [i]clearly[/i] the assigned contact. He gave a simple nod to Bee. "Smith." He said as he extended out his right hand for a shake. "Follow me. This hub of civilized people is incredibly unstable, we shall head to a part which won't be torn apart." He paused for a moment reflecting on the silliness of his statement, even his Contact wouldn't come over something that ridiculous. After pausing for a moment he quickly spoke in a rather deadpan voice, "That was a joke." 'Smith' slowly laughed a monotone chuckle. "I suggest we visit a tailor. I know a good one in the area."