[quote=@Pepperm1nts] I think you're overestimating the effectiveness of guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla warfare isn't this magical thing that when applied is guaranteed to work. If it were, it'd be a conventional strategy. Guerrilla warfare is a thing borne of desperation, or helplessness. When people have no other way to fight and need to resort to hit-and-run tactics to combat overwhelming opposition. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It is not an especially effective strategy that works every time, or even most times. If it were such a strategy, no-one would fight any other way. It's also a strategy that is reliant on things like landscape to succeed. Look at where guerrilla fighter groups are most successful: Colombia, Africa, Vietnam, Iraq. All of these are places where the environment is in favor of guerrilla fighters because it allows them to hide well, and where the lack of infrastructure works against professional armies. But regardless of any of that, the point is we can't have any more rebellions in the US. It's had enough. They are a hindrance. We need to let the US become important, especially now that we have a player that is doing such a great job at bring it back to life. [/quote] Not to mention the traditional lands are mostly all inhabited by the white man now, or border white settlements. If push comes to shove you'll see the Militias come in or even the American Legion who might bolster up the local communities and identify or encourage people to identify radicals. And even if not you'll know who the enemy is. Guerilla warfare works in places like Vietnam and Afghanistan because the occupying force couldn't tell the difference between a civilian and a enemy. In this context they would be able to spot them out. The only places they end up is being corralled in the deep country where there is no one living and living as outlaws until they become so endemically demoralized from accomplishing nothing the fighters go home. If they try anywhere else there's enough phones, radios, and guns to alert folks. It won't work, Revan. It won't ever get off the ground. Not from a demographic principle. Not from a strategic principle.