Tired, usually. I have a very expressive face, which tends to display [b]precisely[/b] what I'm feeling, whether I want it to or not. Generally, I'm feeling awesome, or funny, or at least amused by something. When I'm truly 'neutral' it's because at that moment, I'm not actively thinking about anything really -- so everything droops a bit. Especially my eyes -- naturally a little droopy, but they perk up anytime I'm doing anything. If I'm really idle though, the lights kinda go out a bit. Also I've got like a gigantic lower lip -- I bit through it when I was little and it's almost like the swelling never went all the way down. So if I'm not making some other face, it just sorta weighs down my whole face. But again -- I'm, like, [i]always[/i] making some other face. I don't even think about doing it, it just happens. My drama club teacher used to think I was getting into character when I read lines -- I wasn't, on purpose, my face just does that shit. Right now, while I'm typing, I'm making expressions like we were having a conversation.