[i]Ah excellent.[/i] 'Smith' adjusted his suit's tie yet again as he gave a small smile at the fellow Agent. "Yes, they are a fine tailor." Smith gestured for Bee to follow. Walking a brisk pace, he began heading to an industrial center, where the sky was covered by large streams of soot. The streets were busy with various peoples, some were buying some cheap-meats from small and damaged stalls. Others were laboring away, carrying over-sized crates and marching into the factories. Some of these crates were covered, others were not. Most of the crate-carriers, which had the open crates were dealing in matters of scrap-metal. Smith passed through this section rather quickly. Upon hitting the outskirts of the industrial section, he peered from side to side as he noticed a small building. [i]Ah, there we are.[/i] It was not an impressive building, and was designed solely for efficiency and not at all to be aesthetically pleasing. It was here where Smith stopped, as he pointed at it. "Ah, here's the tailor shop." He walked up towards the door, which was a thick metal slab, with a light bronze section for the keyhole. And above it laid a small shutter. Smith turned to Bee as he paused for a moment, "First time at the tailors?" He inquired of Bee, as he knocked on the metal door, each knock giving a loud pang. ----- Rattlesnake Jack just, sort of stared at the Wizard. "Riiiiight er, I ou-" He began taking a step away, as he gestured towards the group, signalling for them time to go. Mayonnaise the Mad Wizard was not amused, as he began shaking his gnarled metal staff wildly. [color=00a99d]"I PROMISED SHINY BAUBLES! A HEROIC QUEST CAN'T WAIT FOR HEROES OF YOUR CALIBER! I SHALL OPEN A GATEWAY TO A WORLD OF MUCH TREASURES, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE YOURS! THERE ARE FIELDS LINED WITH GOLD IF YOU DIG DEEP ENOUGH! THE ORES ARE ALL LINED WITH GREAT TREASURES, AND ALL I ASK IN RETURN IS FOR BUT A MERE KEG. AN OAKEN BARREL KEG, CONTAINING A FINE ELIXIR MMMYESS!"[/color] He began twirling through his greasy beard as he grinned at Jack. Rattlesnake Jack paused for a moment, "...ALL the Treasure you say? Make a good deal slick, buuuut, I'd reckon I oughta check with other folks if'n they wanna tag alo-" The Wizard flung out his free hand which was covered in grime and sludge. [color=00a99d]"Yes, take the time you need..."[/color]