[b]Name:[/b] Masayume Yakuse [b]Location:[/b] The floating City of Tian Jin. His hunch was unfortunately correct. It seems he really can't get anything straight even when he wanted to. A group of five guys and a girl. This is not good, he thought, so he followed them secretly. Things doesn't really follow up the script of b-rated movies though. It wasn't a group of hooligan surrounding a poor girl, he was wrong, it was just thugs playing with each other. Even so as a respectable (self-proclaim) adult and an educator, it's his duty to not overlook the unjust. "I'm sorry lady, but I suppose those bits of fortune have place where it properly belongs" He said, stretching his right hand to reach out the girl's shoulder. I won't lose to mere brat, hope that wasn't so naive of him.