ooc: I'll try to keep my posts shorter after this one. Otherwise it's gonna become confusing! :) Part of Chastity's job was to watch the bar for trouble and anticipate it. After all, she was slender and female. What harm could she do? "Time to go to work," she said to herself, or at least it would have seemed that way until she pushed the door open and the mechanical bird took flight. It had cost a bomb, but the little gadget was exactly what she needed, blinking hard to engage the chip in her eyes. The bird was good for a lot of things, best of which being spying and stalking. It flew around without being obtrusive, and through its eyes she could see what it saw, as well as what was going on ahead of her. It had taken a long time to get used to, and could give her a headache if she tried to look at both visions at the same time. What she had to learn was how to focus on them separately, kind of like looking in a wing mirror when driving. You could stare through the mirror, but you might miss what was going on in front of you. With CJ stood there, she was able to focus on the bird's sight, scanning the room for anything she needed to worry about. She wanted to upgrade it to sound too, but that would come later. Right now this would.... The bird had suddenly stopped it's circle, the camera blurring and making her eyes water. "Crap," she said, blinking hard to turn off the sight and then pushing her way through the bar. It was dark inside, but not so dark as to make it impossible to see what was going on. There was her bird, in the fat fist of a guy who was staring at it through bleery eyes. How the hell had he caught it? He was turning it over, shaking it. "That's mine!" she hissed, her mind thinking how much it would cost to fix if the stupid fool broke it. She was across the room fast, snatching it from his fingers and checking it for any damage. "Hey," the guy said in annoyance, then grinned when he looked at her. "You're pretty." "Thanks," she said, not really listening, still inspecting her bird. "You here to....?" he began, placing his hand somewhere that wasn't allowed in this bar. She grumbled to herself, cradling Sarah Jane like a baby, rather than the hunk of metal. That idiot had not only upset the suspension in her bird, but hitting him with the butt of Sarah Jane had jammed it somewhere. She could tell, and she couldn't leave it the way it was. She needed the gun to work. Being a thief was all well and good, but you needed something to protect you. Beside, she and Sarah Jane went back a long way. She'd had to leave work early, but this was [i]important.[/i] She didn't even have time to go home to change, so she was still in her work outfit. She stood outside the address she'd been given. She had called her usual guy, who flat out refused to look at Sarah Jane. To be fair, he'd upset the gun and it had gone off, destroying several items in his garage. He wasn't impressed. So now she was stood at some different place. Well, she could glower and sulk, or she could get this done. She put on her best smile and knocked on the door.