[b]Arragoz Plizgin - Muthership's Ventz/Enjin Room[/b] "I'z goin as fast as I can, Boss, ya kan't rush purfeck'shun." Arragoz responded to the cyborg-space-dragon's urging to hurry it up with a brief whisper into the communicator, making his way through the vents as he did so. Conveniently, these ones were a tad less rickety than the ones back at Shadoo Foreva's base, muffling the noise somewhat. Luckily, the humies were far too focused on the seemingly more immediate threat of Ridley to take note of what noise did manage to result from the sneakin' of Arragoz and his crew. This would undoubtedly prove to be their downfall. Upon being informed that one of his humie companions was planting firey bombs in da vents, Arragoz quickly voiced his approval. "I like da way you'z fink, humie. We'z can save dose fer our 'taktikul ruhtreet.'" After all, setting things on fire had a tendency to serve as an excellent distraction, especially if one of the humies got themselves ignited. Just like the Burna Boyz said, watching gits 'do the burny dance' always made for a good larf. After roughly a minute or so of travelling through the vents, Arragoz finally found himself looking down through a grate at one of the vessel's three engine rooms. Due to the crisis at hand, the room was lightly guarded, with a mere two marines standing watch. The greenskin needed to take them out swiftly and silently, which meant he'd have to deploy one of the less flashy bombs in his arsenal. The Ork carefully lifted the grate up into the vent, while his other hand reached for a Smokey Stikkbomb. Following the standard Ork routine of 'hold on to da pin, throw da uvver part,' Arragoz dropped the armed explosive into the engine room, startling the humies down below. With but a brief delay, the bomb detonated, covering a significant portion of the engine room in a thick, purple haze of smoke. Almost simultaneously, the Ork made his entrance, and despite tumbling out of the vent, inexplicably landed on his feet. As their vision was obscured by the smoke, the marines were hesitant to open fire, lest they accidentally strike the engine or each other. (Un)fortunately for them, Arragoz proceeded to make it very clear to them where he was, by way of lightly tapping on their shoulders. Quickly turning around in response, the marines were treated to a brief glimpse of the Orkoid's hulking form, promptly followed by the greenskin granting each of them a closer look at his fists. When the smoke finally cleared, any observers would see the greenskin standing over the two incapacitated marines, motioning for his humie companions to join him.