[b]Maria[/b] Maria looked over her shoulder, moving it just out of the man's reach. "Yeah, it does," She replied, turning around. "It belongs in my pocket, by right of conquest. Besides, I think I deserve it more than a guy who needs four of his buddies to take on one girl. I would give it back to whatever poor fellow he took it from originally, but I don't know who that is." She raised an eyebrow at the man, looking him up and down. "Unless you're saying it was you? No, that's not possible. You're far too confident to have been taken down by that lot." She sighed and rolled her shoulder a bit, thinking. "Look, if you really want me to give it back, you'd have to earn it. That's just how I work." She grinned at him. "Since you're so polite, I won't even use my power this time. How about it?"