[b]The Privateer (Hits: N/A) [i]Messor I[/i] PsyCoins: N/A Aether: N/A Inventory: Miniature Instant Camera, Flat Screwdriver, Psychic Wallet (other souvenirs unknown)[/b] --- Before the Privateer had a chance to answer the Gadgeteer, she fell over backward as the ground rattled from the van's dramatic entrance. Soon afterward, the Solver and the Traveler had exited the van. Now they were all in one place, and it was a strange place indeed. But again, the Privateer's mind was not on logical things. She ignored the Solver's battle stance, making her way to the cabin of the van. With some difficulty, she hauled the unconscious driver out of the van and, in a fashion that would come to be the usual in the others' eyes, she looted everything she could off of him. She'd always wanted a utility belt. On the belt was a pneumatic arrow launcher, similar in size and shape to a handgun. It was still nearly fully loaded. There was also a pair of handcuffs. Odd how these guys never seemed to use those. Lastly, a truncheon. Self-explanatory. She was about to go root through the van, when a voice said from behind her, "Uh, what are you doing?" (So, who said it? You decide!)