[b]Shockwave - Shockwave's Laboratory, SE HQ[/b] Shockwave put his head down as he prepares to get his arm replaced. Suddenly, he sees a grey, colorless arm placed right in front of him. He realized that Charlotte wanted to help him and actually chuckled silently to himself. She really wasn't that bad after all. "Thank you..." Shockwave replies to Charlotte as he begins fiddling with it around with his cannon arm, "But the arm will need to be surgically put on before I can~" But before he could finish, his cannon accidentally knocked over a jar filled with a mysterious silver element labeled... Transformium. The element was then poured right onto the arm and seemed to have done nothing but ruin the arm. Shockwave sighs to himself as he begins to try to wipe off the element. But what he saw next, would revolutionize modern Cybertronian technology forever. The transformium was still as can be when suddenly it dissolves into a liquid state. It then covers the whole arm in the blink of an eye. Soon, the element had gained what appeared to be wires as they flail around rapidly. Then they sensed the presence of Shockwave's missing arm and their wires then lashed out to connect with his broken wires, as if it had a mind of its own! Once they attached themselves to the wires, the whole arm began to retract towards his shoulder, locking it in place. Remarkably it then began to mold into the exact same arm that Shockwave had before it got eaten by Charlotte, only more polished and clean. Even the color was replaced! If Shockwave had a mouth, his jaw would've dropped 10 stories! Clearly this couldn't be happening. Back in his universe, Transformium was indeed an important part of a transformer's body. In fact, it was the only element that could allow a transformer to have the ability to transform. All you needed to do was put just a bit inside the T-Cog and it will allow the robot to transform for several thousand years. Yet never had it had the ability to actually move on its own, or able to repair broken parts, or to painlessly attach to the user's arm (though it would feel kinda funny), or nor would it even have the ability to copy the user's missing limb! How could this be happening? Yet he then realized something. The transformium he had in the jar was NOT his local universe's version. This was transformium that was found in this universe. It was indeed a lot stronger and better then the one he was used too. Now no Transformer would have to wait a long time for their arm to be surgically replaced. Even in the field of battle it would be simple as 1 2 3! This was revolutionary science! Shockwave then looks at Charlotte in total surprise. "Congratulations Charlotte." he says, "You have unintentionally found a revolutionary science that will save countless of transformers lives. You should be honored." [h1][/h1] [b]Samus Aran & Swerve - UMMA Hunter-Class Starship - Battle Zone - Approaching GFS Mothership[/b] The ship begins to move quickly towards the Mothership, when suddenly Swerve spots an Unidentified creature heading straight towards them at an incredible speed. "Uhhhh Samus?" he asks with a worried face as he points to where the thing is coming from, "What is that?" As Samus was just about to look, the whole ship shook violently by an incoming object that hit them! Both characters almost lost balance but still kept their footing. "What was that?" Samus asks with barely any worry as she looks around. Then both can feel that something big was crawling around the ship that also made several more blows. Suddenly, the Bounty Hunter can see a metallic spear-tail wagging just at the corner of the windshield. Her eyes grew large as she immediately knew who she was facing. Her age-old nemesis had finally shown himself once again. "RIDLEY..." she says to herself with a growl, "You cold-blooded bastard..." "WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Swerve panics as he tries to stabilize the ship's course. "Head towards the ship's bridge." Samus says, ignoring the Autobot's question, "I got a score to settle." Without saying a word, Swerve pilots the ship towards the ship's bridge and as soon as they got close, Samus issued out a command. "OPEN THE TOP HATCH!" she yells as she begins charging up a glowing blue ball of plasma. "RIGHT!" the Autobot replies in a panic as he presses the button that opens up the top hatch. Soon the ship jerks towards the Mothership's Bridge and with a mighty leap Samus Aran jumps out. "RIIIIIIIIDDDDLEEEEEEEYYYYY!!!" screams Samus as she knocks her full weight into Ridley's chest, her gun pointing and touching his metallic armor and fires her plasma ray right into his chest, both breaking into the Bridge of the ship.