[hider=Iridimi-Jodon] [img]http://i.imgur.com/sUuFGtK.png?2[/img] [h1]Iridimi-Jodon[/h1] [b](Region 2)[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PRbrUFJ.png?1[/img] [h3]Population[/h3][b]Total:[/b] 105,000 [b]Irid-Idiline-Sevre-Tyrand-Okova-Guandis-Holor (Isitog to it's members):[/b] 6,000 [b]Loderinivasaaf (Lod to those within or over them):[/b] 40,000 [b]Skuv:[/b] 50,000 [h2]Defenses[/h2][h3]Natural Defenses[/h3]Surrounded by mountains and a large lake, [b]Iridimi-Jonon[/b] is very hard to reach without going through the narrow [b]Irim Canal[/b]. Storms over the canal increase the difficulty of invading without air support. [h3]Air Defenses[/h3]Even if you did have airpower, the smooth and swift, elite and magically propelled wind-gliders of the [b]Jionavi[/b] would catch up with you very soon.[h3]Naval Defenses[/h3]They so far have not needed much to protect the occasional galleon of goods from the Jodom-based merchant guild; [b]Rethyma-Jiun[/b]. With the new orcish threat, this may be a weakness as the arcane manastorm [b]Ythida[/b] has only over had to deal with overconfident pirate skiffs. Even so, they have three advantages: [b]Ythida[/b]: The manastorm can sweep up most light craft. If there is a steamship, out of luck. [b]Narrowness[/b]: This can take care of the giant barges coming to deploy brigade after brigade of men. The more easily passable war-galleons will most likely evade this challenge. [b]Jionavi[/b]: As a last resort, the Jionavi will send bombs to the decks of the ship. Anything with steel armor and deck plating will pass. With that in mind, the ideal invasion craft would be an entirely sleek metal structure with plenty of air support and brigades of men to expose once they reach [b]Jodom[/b].[h3]Ground Defenses[/h3]Nearly none. A few scattered militias and police forces could be called upon as a last resort. Why this has been a problem only once in their history? They are entirely surrounded by mountains. The one time a daring orcish brigade attempted, they were shot down on the ropes by the [b]Jionavi[/b]. Tunneling is a possibility, but the elite scouting force [b]Irivada[/b] maintains constant observence of the surrounding mountains. [b]Jionavi:[/b] This elite corps of [b]Isotog[/b] gliders is essentially the navy, ariel forces, and standard troops in the whole of the army. Their gliders gain power from magical forces that keep them in constant momentum. The Isotog's wings are used as the power source, and mana makes them glow. [b]Liodi:[/b] The mage corps of [b]Iridimi-Jodon[/b], these sorcerers number very few and are responsible for the most powerful effects ever seen in the history of [b]Iridimi-Jodon[/b]. The formation of [b]Jodom[/b] would not be possible if they had not raised the land from the sea. [b]Irivada:[/b] These are the backbone and scouting corps of the army. They keep a variety of watch towers and beacons to alert the [b]Jionavi[/b] of any unusual happenings. They are the front-line of defense against invasion. The military relies solely on the [b]Jionavi[/b] for naval protection, which number at 500 on-duty, and 1,000 at full call-to-arms. The [b]Iridimi-Jodon[/b] military is populated exclusive by Isotog, and thus are fairly small in number. Do not let this disarm your fear of their might. What they lack in numbers, they make up for in simple superiority, both logistically and technologically. Their minds are long-lived enough to strategize better than most other mortal races. The [b]Liodi[/b] is also the most power mage corps in [b]Oshmar[/b]. [b]The full capacity of the Iridimi-Jodon military is 5,000 men. About 1,500 are kept on active duty, most in the Irivada.[/b] [h2]Government[/h2][h3]Leaders[/h3]The [b]Supremi-Dolon[/b], or chancellor, is [b]Dydrivo Ikholor Mynydao[/b]. All [b]Isitog[/b] partake in the republic, electing a total of 12 senators, or [b]Residio/a[/b] distributed among the citizenry. A list is provided: [b]Ydri Ikim Oshridu Thykine Ivmar Juduri Lyakao Yreq Pholar Inin Rekardos Uevyr Jeni Thorisian Treyim Thrac Euldek Odomok Aenidi Vi Holocoro Nieda Vyonasu Lygit Ygym Evar Iodo Derid Don Ronisu Xyxivov Reth Hayindu[/b] The government is somewhat autocratic although the [b]Supremi-Dolon[/b] can be impeached by a majority vote (a tie ends in him staying). The government has the ability to supply the state with 1000 days worth of rations, and uphold general sate welfare. From the [b]Residos[/b], the government is divided into various offices and departments in an efficient bureaucracy, being they only have to please 5,000 and keep 40,000 from rebelling. [b]Crime and Punishment[/b]: [b]Skuv[/b] crimes/punishments: Disobeying master's orders/public flogging, 25 lashes Reproducing without permission/public flogging, 50 lashes. No rations for 1 week and half water. Stealing or Escaping/Running the gauntlet 100m Murder/Running the gauntlet until death [b]Lod[/b] Disobeying commands of an [b]Isotog[/b]/Public flogging, 15 lashes Robbery or larceny or other petty crimes/various prison sentences Murder/Death by stoning [b]Isotog[/b] Nearly all crimes/Exile Murder or High Treason/Beheading [h3]Racial Traits[/h3] The [b]Isotog[/b] have long white hair and metallic-violet eyes. Their skin ranges from white to sky blue to light pink. They are humanoid, but have collapsable bone-like wings that can be functional with magic. They also have long, clear nails and pointed ears. The [b]Lod[/b] have medium-length ebon or brown hair as well as black eyes. Their skin is tan or copper. They have short, gritty nails and curved ears with holes in the lobe. [b]Skuv[/b] are generally optimized breeds of all races, especially obedient ones. They are generally skin-painted black at birth, and are built of menial labor. The average person of the race takes 2 years to give birth and 65 to mature. They live eternally, moving their spirit from body to body. The only way to infinitely eradicate them is to burn all bodies. The [b]Skuv[/b] generally reproduce as rapidly as the [b]Vitspli[/b] mages allow. They mature generally around 10, and live to 150 with a few exceptions.[h2]Magic[/h2]The mages, or [b]Liodi[/b] of [b]Iridium-Jodon[/b] are strictly [b]Isotog[/b] and nearly all practice in some form. A few powerful battle mages are recruited into the army. If a [b]Lod[/b] is found practicing magic, they are taken to the square and flogged.[h2]History[/h2][b]Iridimi-Jodon[/b] was founded by a subrace of elves who refused to worship the king. They remained strictly atheistic. They were exiled to an ancient city between the highlands and mountains, near to a mountaintop sea called [b]Reria[/b]. They quickly conquered the natives forcing them into second-class citizenship. They then established the over-arching city of [b]Jodom[/b], and divided it into several Wards. They would later conquer [b]Walidia[/b], which would used as resource income for trading endeavors. The merchant guild [b]Rethyma-Jiun[/b] was son established as the primary means of trade. Rumors are abound of the [b]Liodi[/b] creating a tunneling system throughout [b]Oshmar[/b], but [b]Iridimi-Jodon[/b]'s trade has been solely based around the canal. Time will tell if [b]Iridimi-Jodon[/b] will grow from it's quaint mountain lands. [/hider] Please approve.