The question is: what is actually causing it? Is life inherently made of magic? If so, then what is it, and how do we see it, and how does it effect our lives? Like, are there soul analogies? If so, by logic I should be able to receive massive head trauma and still maintain cognitive function, because the soul would still be fine. I understand if magic can somehow teleport ATP from animals into our bodies, or just dismantle atoms to harness that energy, but if the former is the case it would be very easy to see, and probably highly ineffective at fueling powerful spells [assuming conservation of energy], and the latter would make people nigh-omnipotent. Also, if we start privileging some life over others, humans would rank higher than other life by the basic laws of fiction, and that presents the interesting dynamic of magical energy growing every generation, because every single person who is about to die would obviously be harvested for every smudge of magic, which could then be used in all sorts of ways. With thousands dying of natural causes every day, this would be a massive thing to consider. EDIT: didnt see your post, Twisted, give me a sec and I'll respond.