Sessamaru kept his composure when the two ignored his plea, expecting the outcome. Warriors fight for the sanctity of their honor, to prove themselves better; a lesson he learned from the monastery. Sighing, he looked at the two and quickly formulated a plan. [i]First,[/i] he thought. [i]I just need to separate them. After that, I'll have to think of a way for all of us to survive.[/i] Shaking his head, Sess waited until there was enough distance between Udyr and Riku. When Udyr countered, throwing the half-demon, Sessamaru saw his opening and took it. With a sweep of his hand, a gust of wind slowly began to rise around the monk, spinning rapidly into a whirlwind. In a fluid motion, he grasped his katana and entered a iaijutsu stance. He waited, focusing his senses on both of the combatants.