[hider=The Kingdom of Charlin] -Realm name: The Kingdom of Charlin -Flag/Banner: A gilded horn of gold on a deep blue background NATIONAL -Capital: Curlow -Government Type: Boyar controlled feudal states under the “loose” command of a monarchy -Currency: Franks, your typical precious metal coin ranging from coppers to the privileged gold -Population: 4.5 million (Plus two million from Abundance) -Realm Size: 51 (the gold) -Unique Trait #1: Quick Recruitment: The disciplined honor-bound citizens are quick to join the fray. (Practical effect: Fresh soldiers are quick to fill in gaps in Charlin armies) -Unique Trait #2: Protector of Sacrosanctum: The Charlinites stand ready to protect their new ways with the might of Justinians religious empire. The Paladins will not charge into battle alone, not while they carry the banner of Justinian. (Practical effects: Unique Elite soldiers from Sacrosanct will aid the Paladins in war. Also a steady supply of reinforcements will flow from the Justinian Islands into Charlin lands. ) (Paladin Bonus: Some paladins of Krax are personally blessed by Justinian, making them practical super soldiers) -Unique Flaw #1: Vast Decentralization: Due to the weakened government and prominent De Facto governments overshadowing the actual monarchy, The Kingdom of Charlin is ripe with feudal disputes, duels of honor, and general civil unrest. (Practical effect: Politically weakened with infighting) -Unique Flaw #2 Nightmare: The dream cult has infiltrated Charlin society. (Practical effect: The plague is spreading and cultist numbers growing in Charlin, inquisition imminent) GEOGRAPHICAL -World-Realm Map: [IMG]http://i948.photobucket.com/albums/ad326/assassin111_bucket/SACUPDATE.png[/IMG] The Small pink colored islands to the east of Charlin coast are Paladin conquered and now Paladin influenced newly appointed Justinian states that were given directly to Justinian as a sign of faith. - Geographical Trait: Abundance: Local farms and fishing communities are beyond really well off, the food banks are fat an the citizens full. The farms are bursting with cows and sheep as well as a variety of vegetables, giving Charlin a vast assortment of foods and by products such as clothing, cheeses, milk, leather, wool, shoes, and the like.. (Practical effect: Large food supplies and the ability to care for a large population and support a greater army.) - Internal-Realm Map: [IMG]http://i948.photobucket.com/albums/ad326/assassin111_bucket/5b4c89c3-ed8d-4d62-a7c4-0a7baf06fc9c.png[/IMG] Cities - red: left to right, Krax, Trempil, Curlow, Lrev, Verdik Castles - Green: Left to right, Zintine, Verang, Krax, Detrimus, Curlow, Lindiv Blue = Mount Roland -Major Cities: Curlow, Trempil, Lrev, Verdik, Krax -Major Castles: Curlow, Detrimus, Lindiv, Krax, Verang, Zintine -Buildings of Interest: Castle Krax, academy of Krax, Roland monastery -Geographic Features of Interest: Leonis River (From mount Roland to Curlow to Krax then to Trempil then to the ocean), unending plains (Between Krax and Curlow leading down to Trempil), Mount Roland, Most of the unmentioned parts of the nation is thick forest, small grassy hills and meadows, and scattered farming villages and towns. RACIAL -Majority Race: Charlinite (humans native to Charlin) -Majority Race Appearance: Your average human, but with very dark hair, bright eyes, and sharp facial features such as high cheekbones and prominent chins. The average Charlinite stands tall (6'4 average for females, 6'8 for males, but 6'10 is not unheard of) and values physical strength and finesse, as the straight unending flat lands have shown the power of brute force. A final note is that currently long hair and beards are popular among the aristocrats of the land as fashionable. -Majority Race Characteristics: Thick woolen tunics and sturdy boots cover the bodies of your average Charlinite. They value strength at arms more often than clever tricks and witty sayings, but not to the point of ignorance of the literate and wise arts. Charlinites hone their fighting and physical skills throughout their life, leading to a very masculine culture revolving around epic feats of valor and courage. A strong sense of virtue circulates through the people of Charlin and despite their shallow spirituality, through their respect of honor, they will martyr themselves for a greater good before they succomb to change deemed unhonorable -Minority Races: rag tag groups of anyone and everyone who wishes to live under the rule of the Boyars and King RELIGION & MAGIC -State Religion: While there is no officially state enforced religion, it is no secret Charlin enjoys the honorable way of the Justinians. -Religious Information: Around two hundred years ago the Charlin’s began to hear the news and power of the Justinians and admired the valor of their ways to the point of converting. While the conversion went smoothly (taking well over a century of strife however) in comparison to most conversions, the honor of many peasants and nobles who refused were challenged by convertees and a lot of blood was spilt in the practice of righteous duels, including the King of the time and later his son, ending the long dynasty of the Rolands and severely crippling the mighty kingdom into a weakened state where boyars quickly rushed to power and further weakened the central government to the point of almost complete decentralization. The new Justinian dynasty still reigns in this near decentralized state as the boyars grow more and more powerful over the years, and the golden age of Charlin is all but forgotten, except by those who still practice the religion of old, Monodominum, an ancient and very forgotten and enigmatic monotheistic religion that only rears it’s head out of the fringes of the civilization and the deepest ends of the Charlin traditions. Monodominum’s last true standing sits firmly in the ancient monastery that hides in the Roland mountains, a place where the kings of Charlin were once crowned and where royal and spiritual advisers were sought. This Monastery is rumored to be as active as always in their new isolated state, but it is of little concern or interest to the new Charlin. Opposite on the spectrum is the city of Krax, an old city recorded to have been built around the time of the founding of Charlin itself, and only second to Curlow in age. Krax is the location of a growing order of knights, ruled by twelve master paladins, spearheaded by one master Paladin elected as Grandmaster, to fight blasphemy and anything that threatens Charlin or the Justinian way, namely other religions and the dream plague. This order is called the Paladins of Krax. The Paladins grew out of the death of the old dynasty as the new saviors of the people, and they work together with the boyars and king to keep Charlin on the map as a powerhouse, albeit a fraction of what it once was. The Paladins of Krax are as honor bound as the Charlin citizens but much more serious about virtue and valor, to the point of criticised “fanaticism” and “zealotism” -Religion Demographics: Most of the citizens of the kingdom are Justinian, followed by a small percentage of Monodominics, and a near non existent amount of Red Pantheon cultists and Yuwanist pariahs -Holy Relics In Possession: The Horn of Roland (Monodominum) -Holy Sites Under Control: Mount Roland monastery (Monodominum, Krax (Justinian) -Magical Schools and Curriculum: Magic has slowly died out after the fall of the dynasty and rise of the Justinians, what magic remains is in the hands of Monodominics and other stragglers, this magic is rare and hardly remembered other than in epics and poems. MILITARY -Total Military Size: 95,000 + 100 + 35,000 + X (Justinians troops) -Military Details: Despite the decentralization of the central government, Charlin manages to boast a large army thanks to the Paladins of Krax. The actual army of the kingdom is made up of volunteers and levies that barely peak over ten thousand during wartime, so instead the government relies on the protection of the professional army the Paladins offer as well as Boyar mercenary armies. 10,000 Paladin Knights, well trained and well armored tanks (three quarters rule) on horses, they carry elongated lances, kite shields and a knightly flameberge sword or morning star. 30,000 (Plus 20,000 from Abundance) Paladin men at arms, well trained professional soldiers both on horseback and on foot, they carry arming swords, flameberges, war hammers, shields and pikes. They are trained to fight and maneuver expertly in the fields as well as the dense Charlin forests. 20,000 (Plus 5,000 from Abundance) Paladin Archers, longbowmen, with sidearm, purnach is common. 10,000 Paladin Crossbow and shot, Crossbow regiments peppered with firearms 10,000 (Plus 10,000 from Abundance) Levies, Peasant soldiers, they have cheap self afforded armor, if any, and weapons that are usually farming instruments such as the axe or bill, and sometimes the purnach or Sovnya. 15,000 Mercenaries, tall and short, this way and that, these are soldiers of coin who are pulled from far and wide to fight for the Boyars 100 warships around Lrev NATIONAL DRAMATIS PERSONAE -Head of State/Monarch: King Vrox Ganelon -Ruling Dynasty (If applicable): Ganelon, previously Roland -Constable Of The Army (If applicable): Grandmaster Paladin Marc Ganelon -Religious Head (If Applicable): Grandmaster Paladin Marc Ganelon -Persons of interest: The Monks of Roland, Grandmaster Paladin, King Vrox, Boyar Ivan, The Mysterious Abbot of Roland, The Paladin Masters, The Boyars, Scholar Dudly (leading non Monodominic scholar in the field of Monodominum and Roland) CULTURAL -History: After the Fall of Roland the boyars grew more and more powerful as well as the ever growing Paladins, to the point that during the plague outbreak the citizens flocked to the Paladins and Boyar Ivan, the most influential boyar, for protection. Fanaticism quickly spread throughout Charlin after the outbreak of the plague, and the Paladins grow more and more fanatic and boast bloated numbers of Zealots. Few, very few citizens look back to the history of Charlin and rest their hopes in the long lost ways of Roland and the monodominics, but this is usually stomped out of their hopes as a long lost fantasy. (more to come, from ancient to present) -List of Historical Grievances: The Conversion (In need of timeline to show when it truly ended), Fall of Roland, Decentralization -Relations: Karkarth and Charlin are on trading terms (Charlin food and lumber for Karkarth weapons and armor) and they share a bond through similar honor codes. -Cultural Notes: [hider=Honor Codes] [i] [b]Charlin Honor Code [/b] [/i] To refuse a Duel of Righteous intent is dishonorable To abuse children is dishonorable To mistreat prisoners of war is dishonorable To keep prisoners of war in peacetime is dishonorable To refuse a gift is dishonorable To murder in cold blood is dishonorable To steal is dishonorable To lie is dishonorable To abuse women is dishonorable To usurp anothers power without right is dishonorable To own another is dishonorable To deny your own work is dishonorable To allow your family’s destruction is dishonorable To insult is to take another's honor To allow an insult is to lose your honor The Honorable Duel of Righteousness can be called at anytime, anywhere, to settle disputes of honor, in which transgressions are paid with blood. (wip) These tenets were originally written on three stone tablets which were given out to the three original cities, Curlow, Krax, and Trempil. The Tablet of Curlow adorns the space above the throne of Charlin. The Tablet of Krax was moved to a Paladin chapter house. The tablet of Trempil rests in a great scholarly building that once housed great Monodominic thinkers. [/hider] Crusaders - A high percentage of the population is willing to throw down their tool at a moments notice and fight for the greater good, no matter the cost. Blind Faith - A lot of the peasants are dull in rhetorics and philosophy, and tend to just take the Paladins or Boyars words for things Outnumbered, but not outpowered - The sharp martial skill of the Paladins and Charlin traditionalists help them put up a fight even when terribly outnumbered. Honor bound - The strict honor code of the Charlin outrules any law proposed by authority, this ancient code is powered by the honor loving culture of the Charlins. One note worthy trait is the righteous duel of honor, in which every major insult or challenged disagreement must be met with blood [hider=Families] Family structure Noble families pass their last names off to their children from the father's lineage.The children are expected to be active in the community by the age of ten and have military experience starting at the age of eleven. Both the men and the women of noble families are expected to fight for Charlin in a military structure, except women are allowed to retire for marriage, pregnancies, or if they so wished to when they reach the age of twenty five. The noble men are expected to remain in active duty until the age of thirty, when they can choose to remain active or take a five year break to be with their families. Permanent retirement for men isn’t honorably allowed unless the man suffers a severe crippling injury or he reaches the age of fifty five. Wives tend to control the house and all it’s holdings and titles while the men are at war, but are not allowed to sell anything without consulting with the noble man of the estate, but are allowed to vote at diets in his favor if he is in active deployment. Non noble families function quite differently as only wives take on the name of the husband, while the children only keep the last name until the age of 14, and are usually kicked out of the household to go find their own last name, which would be an act of valor they committed spelt out in the old tongue and registered at whatever town they acted in. Children are encouraged by the age of 17 to have a trade to fall back on in case their adventures proved ill fruited, and instead take the name of their profession. Most 14 year old male children of the non nobles join a military campaign or order to find their names, while the women tend to free lance around the country or more commonly, get married into a family with an honorable name. wip subject to change [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Monodominum and the Monodominics] The Monodominum is a religion older than recorded Charlin history. The Monodominics played an active role in many historical events, from crowning Charlins kings of old, to even helping the founder of Charlin reach his full potential. To this day the true Monodominics (Monks of Roland, Monks of the Monestary) remain enegmatic and pull support from underground citizens who share the worship of the whispering god. Their beliefs are obscure to most outsiders and even to non-monastery monodominics (ever since the rise of Galenon), but what is known is that they are monotheistic and revere a figure known as the Whispering God, who according to the scripture is responsible for everything and everyone, including the creation of the world. While other dieties and mythos arent complely thrown away, the Monodominics believe them to be under and subordinate to the Whispering God, whether knowlingly or not. The monks themselves are mysterious and their practices are little known. What is known is that they spend long hours training both their minds and their bodies, trying to achieve sophrosyn, perfect harmony of themselves. Most of Monodominic doctrine is kept hidden from outsiders in this new age, save for the select few who manage to make the pilgrimage to the long lost Monastery of Roland, and while tales of such heros are woven often, actual names of pilgrims and instances of this actually ever happening are unknown to all but select few. [hider=Local rumor] A mysterious stranger has been roaming the mountain side of Roland, turning away travelers and those who wish to exploit the Monodominics, his alignment is unknown as well as his gigantic features which he hides under a massive cloak. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Timeline of the East] -----------------------------------Charlin, Karkarth, and the Moonlands ---------------------------------------- -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) The Tears of Heaven occur, raining comets fall to Avara. The first Dragon, Takataren the Mother of Dragons, is born from this event near Dread Mountain. -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) She leads the tribes of men there to greater prosperity, taking pity upon them. They in turn worship her as a goddess. These men are slowly changed by her magic unbeknownst to her. -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) Takataren fashions her first born daughter with powerful magic. Chatentarea is born, but she cares not for the plights of men, amusing herself with visiting upon them random disasters. She becomes the maiden of storms and fire. -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) Takataren creates the last true elder dragon, Hephata-ran. Unlike his older sister he feels a bond with the lesser race of men, and teaches anicnet Jahun-ka the art of wielding flames to forge weapons and tools to fight off the great beast of the land. They learn to build and tame the land about them. -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) Takataren gives birth to the lesser dragons, who are not timeless and as wise. Still powerful in their own right, lesser races worship them, in turn they use their power of shape-shifting to mate with a rare few. Five dragonlords are born from these unions, more men then dragon, they lead the ancient Jahun-ka ancestors, known as Dragonborn. -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) Strange mutations of some dragon breeds result in broods of kobolds being made rather then dragons. These creatures are lowly and weaker then even men. Jealous of their ancestors. They war with the Jahun-ka in hopes of obtaining Takataren's favor once the Dragonborn men are no more. -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) War of the Dragons begins, the Dragonborn are mighty and strong. Yet the kobolds are numerous and savage. They all but bring the Jahun-ka to their knees, and even slay dragons who aid them. -Unknown Year (Dragon Ages) Takataren teaches the Dragonborn the art of war and how to wield their spirits as weapons. Still it is not enough, and Takataren intervenes directly in erupting the Dread Mountain. Much of Dragonborn ways are lost, a peaple who once lead the way of culture, arts, war, architecture, and metallurgy become a shadow of their past glory over night. However, the kobolds are vanquished. -Unknown year (Ancient History) The Monodominum religion is founded, and the Monastery is built in Charlin. -1500 years ago the first Moonlandish settlements in Southern Avara are founded on the Terstrian Riverlands, following an exodus from lands annexed by the Grand Simariy dynasty. -1200 years ago (1000 BB) Dread Mountain erupts, Dragons vanish from the world. Takataren makes and scatters the Dragon Tablets. Dragonborn (Jahun-ka) are left leaderless and divert to tribal ways. -1130 years ago The Dragonborn, now known as the Jahun-ka, rebuild. The Five Clans inhabiting mostly what is the centeral part of modern day Karkarth. The Five clans, now ruled by warlords, war for resources. -1100 years ago (900BB) The three city states of Krax, Trempil, and Curlow dominate the Charlin region from the endless plains and fertile Leonis river valleys by the Mountain of the Monodominics -1000 years ago The Clans of Karkarth are finally united under Dinanvir Dracon The Great in the Wars of Fire. Jahun-ka finish most of their rebuilding and a time of prosperity permits. They learn a little of their ancenstors ways but will never again become as strong as they once were. -1000 years ago (800BB) After centuries of being divided into city-states, the southern Moonlands are reorganized into a collection of kingdoms and principalities. The Grand Simariy dynasty's influence spreads to many of these territories. -900 years ago(700 BB)Noldori and Ghul invasion from the north begins. The Jahun-ka prevail after much bloodshed. Tome of Battles is written eight years later by Tulul Netrano during his great travels. -820 years ago (620 BB) The Grand Simariy dynasty collapses in Moonland. The Six Kingdoms period begins, with the Moonlandish kingdoms of Lyrieth and Nahyeth holding near hegemonic power among the southern Moonlandish nations. -800 years ago ( 600 BB) Charlin is united under Roland of the Monodominics, and crowned at the Monastery. -800-733 years ago (Golden Age) Years of peace and virtue take over the united Charlin, none dare to touch Rolands claim. -733 years ago ( 533 BB) North tribesmen take advantage of Rolands esculating age and launch an invasion on central Charlin. The Elder Roland personally sees his armies victory, and pushes further north to unite the rest of Charlin under his banner. -710 years ago (510 BB) The Southern Simary dynasty of the Moonlanders is founded. It controls the Nertessian Highlands, the Terstrian Riverlands and the Moon's Throat. -550 years ago (350 BB) The Southern Simariy dynasty of the Moonlanders collapses. -390 years ago (190 BB) The Wars of the Nine Moonlands break out as the Six Kingdom's hegemony is challenged by other Moonlandish nations. - 360 years ago (160 BB) The Wars of the Nine Moonlands end. The kingdoms of Lyrieth and Nahyeth lose control of the region to the Moonlandish kingdom of Terstria. -300 years ago (100 BB) Vanquisher Racden Dracon begins his conquest of all Karkarth to fully gain control of the peninsula from beastmen tribes. He establishes what would later become the Hosts of the Ixelin. Named after his greatest warrior and general. -300 years ago (100 BB) The Northen Ash war begins (Charlin vs Karkarth) *Upon fully taking control of most of modern day Karkarth, the host of Racden, still riding the high morale of their victories, turn their eyes west. Marching southward leaving behind a swath of smoke and looted villages. * The north lands of Charlin are plundered quickly by invading Karkarthian forces. King Wilxham of Roland declares war, but Charlin forces are backed up to the town of Verdik * Battle of Verdik, Karkarthians gain a phyrric victory when mounted troops of Charlins catch them off guard. The infantry heavy forces of Karkarth unused to dealing with such mobile forces, and the Charlinites are forced into the town. * Siege of the Long Year begins, (Karkarthian forces seiging Verdik) *After a year of being pinned down the Charlinites reveal a secret tunnel dug from Verdik and behind the Karkarthian forces and charge the invaders, pinning them against the very walls they tried to take. Charlinite victory. * Spear headed by King Wilxham of Roland, and massive cavalry regiment, the Charlinite army pushes northward, establishing Lindiv after a string of small victories, reclaiming all lost land. * Karkarth attempts to regain their footing at Lindiv, but is routed after a long strung out battle, marking the end of Karkarthian advance in Charlin. *Battle of the Long March, Caught off guard again Karkarthians are forced into a retreat. The Oversword Ixelin manages to hold a pass through the alps long enough for Racden and his great host to escape. He and a chosen few, single handidly cut down dozens of men, before a cunning Charlin manages to slay him with an arrow after climbing the rocky heights. Ixelin is hailed as a hero, thus the Ixelin Host are born. *The Charlin army is halted at the Karkarthian border, and treatise of respect and truce are offered from both sides. * Racden calls for a meeting on neutral grounds, both peace and a pact of friendship is made. The Treaty of Brotherhood is born. * The meeting results in the signing of the Treaty of Brotherhood, and a feast to honor the fallen. Bringing an end to the two year war. -200 years ago (First Year of the Law begins) The moon breaks. -200 years ago (First Year of the Law) Justinianism reaches Charlin, slow conversion begin -180 years ago (20 Year of the Law) The Paladins of Krax are founded by Boyar Grex Galenon -100 years ago (100 Year of the Law) Justinianism contains superior numbers to Monodominum in Charlin -100 years ago ( 100 Year of the Law) The conversion quickens in speed and rashes of duels of honor take Charlin by the hundreds -100 years ago (100 Year of the law) The Paladins of Krax grow superior to the Boyars and are only stunted by the power of the Roland Monarch. Paladin power is now internationally strong and boasting a large army and constant recruits. - 98 years ago (102 Year of the Law) Karkarth and Charlin celebrate the bicentennial of their brotherhood -82 years ago (118 Year of the Law) The week long duel takes place and the last Roland Monarch, Davish Roland, is killed after completeing over thirty duels. His son is soon killed after in his own ascention duels. -80 years ago (120 Year of the Law) Ganelon dynasty replaces the Roland Dynasty completely. -80 years ago (120 Year of the Law) The Monastery of Roland dissappears [/hider]