Here she iiiiss! :o [hider=Scarlet] Name: Scarlet Age: 328 Attire/Apperance: [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] She stands at 5’9” with a thicker build. Race: Succubus Gender: Female Occupation: Bounty Hunter [Mostly for the Elders and occasionally for other demons.] Location: East End. A Brief History: Born to a succubus mother and a human father. Her mother fell in love with a human, and even before the dawn of Enigma, in the times of the old earth... this intimacy, this interaction was traitorous for both demon and humanity. She was a mongrel among demons and a monster among men. Scarlet felt divided and confused. For most of life she was unsure what to identify with. People were afraid of her and some demons and creature alike looked down on her, however, by the time Enigma was born it wasn’t uncommon for others like her. Mix-Breeds... but she was grown now, she knew what she was and she knew what she had to do survive in the new world. Other: Scarlet is a master of creating Illusion against the weak minded humans and the lesser creatures. [/hider]