[h2]Mako Moritomi//Warakuma High, Auditorium[/h2] [h3]Tuesday, April 14, 2015[/h3] ==~== Mako smiled ruefully at the blank look on Black-Hair-san... er, Rui's face after he finished his most unusual of tirades. [color=0076a3][i]Hmm. Perhaps I did take that display a little too far... A little late to regret it now, though.[/i][/color] Mako rubbed the back of his head as Rui-san gave a somewhat-terse explanation of what it was that he was supposed to do in order to join the drama club. He nodded, then turned toward the other boy. [color=0076a3]"I understand my display was rather... eccentric,"[/color] he said, much quieter this time, though his monologue hadn't been that loud, either. [color=0076a3]"I am given to understand that I have a habit of using four words where one would do. Forgive me if I... confused you over much. I thank you for the information- you are most helpful. I shall wait with you until their practice is over, then. Fair enough? Unless I have made myself unwelcome, of course."[/color]