Lunarus woke with a gasp and frantically looked around grabbing for his weapons, to find himself unarmed in no where he recognized. Hid dilated eyes quickly searched the landscape for anything he knew but he only found himself on some strange alter in a land with a fiery red sky. Seeing no danger he took a deep breath and attempted to remember what he happened. Lunarus was returning from another job from the king his last one before the king finally released him from his servitude. His last mission the king had said. Lunarus had been too foolish to realize the double meaning in his words, he had arrived in the middle of the night. Of course it was a trap, he had been turned into a pincushion faster than he could emit an "oh" of surprise. Lunarus sat on the alter eyes downcast cursing his own foolishness, now his sister would no doubt die a death worse than his.