[b]Name:[/b] Masayume Yakuse [b]Location:[/b] The floating City of Tian Jin. Yakuse had expected worse to be honest. It seems the girl is keeping her words for not using the power of hers at least. [i]Esper... huh[/i] indeed that the number of them is increasing lately but he didn't expect to meet one in such situation. Abandoned Esper, no, little girl actually. It's true that the time of age they're in is like a fantasy of its own, but living as oddities in this world is not so forgiving. She must've seen lots of ugly expression of others; anger, fear, agony, disgust, and much more. But once she lose her sense of trust, she will eventually crumble. "You will be surprised knowing what waits you there" Yakuse took out something from his pocket and threw it onto the air. A piece of paper float aimlessly above. In mist of that, Yakuse active his Madou, "coating" the surrounding air with its energy. It makes everything under its area of effect to be heavier and lower people's perception of time, all beside Yakuse who control it. Why would he do it this far? He doesn't really care about the guy who got his money taken, since it was his own fault to begin with. Maybe he just want to stop this girl from going to the wrong path, or because it's his duty as educator, or because she resemblance [i]her[/i], he wasn't sure. For now, his goal is just to take the money she stole. Hnph, Yakuse swiftly steps forward and reach out his hand to where the girl put the money, attempting to take it. [center]-----------------[/center] [b]Name:[/b] ??? [b]Location:[/b] A certain apartment. He's late. He's late, he's late! It was a children’s impeachment yelling. There's no one in the room to listen to it, and it simply dissolve into the air. A little girl, appears to be around the age of either elementary or middle school, is all alone in the dimly light room. Unable to stand the solitary, the girl stand up attempting to leave through the exit. *clig* The door won't open, it's locked. Masayume Yakuse had expected this and locked the door from outside. There are no keys inside, so basically the little girl is locked inside. There are some food and snacks inside the refrigerator but she's tired of them. It's almost seven p.m, time for girls’ famous anime 『Revive! Mystical Priest Girl Rasupu-chan』 to air. Yakuse had promised to go back before then, but from the looks of it he would be late.