Yes, very good, much as expected. Hmm... One more question: which kind of tavern would Kaedan pick? The cheaper kinds where it's barely even clean, but you can spend the night for a single rodlin? The average-quality ones that are clean but unremarkable, that'll probably cost three to five rodlin? Or perhaps a nice inn with good beds, meals included in the price and warm water ready for a bath in the morning, but will cost fifteen to twenty rodlin for a night? EDIT: It has occurred to me that Kaedan, or rather Kaedan's brotherhood, would pretty much be the Fixer's wet dream; an entire faction dedicated to perfecting themselves in the arts of combat and warfare, for whom strength is the goal, not just a means to an end. He'd be downright giddy at the thought of how strong its members could be, and how strong they could become in time... and how much fun he could have fighting them before they broke. Poor Fixer... his toys all break so easily.