Sporting a pair of skintight black pants, a white shirt and a black tie to match it, with the newest edition of dark blue Adidas sneakers, Jason's fashion choice for that day was a blend of formal and casual wear. He was also pulling a wheeled, leather luggage around him which contained some pretty serious stuff, serious enough to plunge him deep inside that corner of his mind. Walking towards the entrance almost like a somnambulist, playing different scenarios in his head, he felt a slight bump down his right rib followed by the sticky sensation of a cold liquid spraying down his shirt. Sucking his frustration deep inside the dark pits of his heart, Jason collected himself and exhaled in an attempt to spit out all the figurative venom that was flowing around his veins. Great. First that intoxicated chauffeur, now her. Perhaps Tian Jin wasn't a good vacation spot after all. Upon getting back to his senses, however, he noticed that not only she wasn't Chinese, she also was kind of an oddball. Her dress was laced with ornaments, her hair color was a light blue (aside from her hair reaching down to her knees) but most importantly; she was wiggling a tail, furiously while at that. Jason had heard of these children's mechanical toys which were infused with simplified A.Is and that could perform various tasks on command, but that wasn't the case there. Heck, after bumping on her, he was also pretty sure she was making her ice cream float, that or his brain was playing games. No. His brain never plays games. Jason was very suspicious that she could be a mage, or worse, an Esper and the least thing he wanted was to piss off a stuck-up weapon of mass destruction. He hadn't even seen the resort's interior yet. [color=SlateGray]"I'm terribly sorry about this, but to be fair you did bump on me."[/color], the young man responded, mustering a half-arsed smirk in an effort to appear as friendly as possible. Slipping his right hand on his pocket, he pulled out his wallet and got a couple of dollar bills, extending his hand towards the girl, who was probably no older than sixteen. [color=SlateGray]"These will suffice for any kind of inconvenience I may have caused, and then some."[/color], he said, his smile gradually vanishing as he did so.