Laurena ------ The sun beating down on her seemed to lend the world an unwelcome [i]dryness[/i], as though the greedy fire was trying to scour the earth of its nemesis and claim the world for its own. Still, the rumors had pointed towards this strip of land as being the former domain of mad King Haldric, who had supposedly figured out how to avoid dying. Or so people claimed. Dying couldn't be very enjoyable, and it was something Laurena had all intentions of avoiding. So, if someone had figured it out, looking into it was worth a mention, wasn't it? Besides, it got her away from those pesky villagers from Harisburg who hadn't appreciated the joys of rain as much as Laurena. As she walked, she contemplated bringing in a few clouds to lighten the mood of things, yet balked at the effort required for such things. [i]Besides, it's not like these people will appreciate it much either.[/i] She thought. Eventually her walking brought her into the heart of the small town of....somewhere. The exact name wasn't that important. [i]Perhaps Bareton? Baleston? B-something at least.[/i] Her thoughts were interrupted by a rumbling stomach, which brought more pressing matters such as food and lodging to Laurena's attention. Quickly examining the area revealed two taverns of some capacity. The first looked rather well maintained, warm light flowing from the doorway. A ruckus could be heard emanating from inside, the chorus of the drunk. She heard it quiet for a moment, a voice standing out as the others died down, then picking up once again. Perhaps some event was going on inside? Laurena decided to check the other tavern first. It wasn't likely to be something she would be interested in, unless it was somehow relevant to finding the PrisonCastle, and the odds of that were simply astronomical. The second tavern seemed a bit quieter, the lack of noise giving it the winning edge over the first. Sparing a glance back, Laurena noticed a rather strange party exiting. Led by a rather short woman with a sword that seemed dangerously close to dragging against, the adventurers managed to catch her attention. Amongst those present were at least two high elves, a fairy, and a dwarf. As if that wasn't enough to catch Laurena's attention, the prospect that they, obviously being talented adventurers, might know of the Mad King and his backwards castle spurred her to meet the group and see what they knew, stomach-be-damned. The crowds gave Laurena some trouble, yet the group wasn't hard to follow, considering the wide array of interesting persons that composed it. Soon the town was left behind in favor of a camp, with some sort of beast roasting on a fire. Some of those who had been in the party initially seemed to have peeled off at some point, for whatever reason they chose. Perhaps they would be able to provide a nice meal as well as advice? Coin could help there, if nothing else. As she approached the camp, it became very obvious that its current occupant, a Nem who seemed to be short even for her peoples standards, was not welcome. Furthermore, Laurena seemed to have appeared at an opportune moment, walking into the firelight as the Nem made an offer of food. [b]"You know, dinner sounds quite wonderful, don't you think?"[/b] Laurena interjected, hoping to do her best to diffuse the situation. [b]"I'm Laurena d'Olson, Water Mage from Meridan College, here to investigate the so-called 'Prison Castle of the Mad King Haldric,' and was hoping some of you might know of it?"[/b] Laurena took up a place between the Nem and the rest of the party, eying the roast beast as she waited.