Amelia rushed into the Vigilance's bridge like a child finding presents on Christmas morning. It was absolutely a step up from what she was used to. The pilots' chairs alone were like miniature command centers, winged with an array of buttons and display screens; they faced a thin curved viewing window and below that huge banks of control interfaces and analytic machines. Behind the two pilots chairs sat a more ornamental Captain's chair, clad in what looked like real leather and on a raised pedestal. She turned to Lex and saluted quickly. "Yes Captain." She then turned to her co-pilot with an excited glint in her eye. "Alright Rose, lets get things off the ground. Familiarize yourself with the course and all related systems, i will begin checking the engines." A lot of people didn't understand how vital it was to get to know the vessel intimately before setting off for the first time. Not getting a feel for the spacecraft would have disastrous consequences further down the line. Amelia ran her hand over the console, finding clusters of interface that she understood. There were several holographic environments in the bridge where she could insert and use any kind of navigational operating system. She grinned like the Cheshire Cat. Rooting around in an inner pocket Amelia pulled out a memory stick with a red stripe on it, and after a few moments finding the relevant port, inserted it into the holographic environment. Immediately the hologram changed, a few million lines of code ran down it and out of sight before the familiar logo of her father's company appeared on screen. "Mount Sinai - Making things easier since 2222. Welcome to your Mount Sinai Ship Wide Systems Interface." A homogeneous female voice chirped. Amelia peeked over at Rose. "It makes our jobs easier, stop looking at me like i'm cheating an Academy exam." she said, pouting. "Scanning systems to bring you the full specification." The voice chirped. Amelia waited impatiently, drumming her fingers on the smooth chrome station. After a few seconds the SWSI churned out a mammoth display of the Vigilance's entire make-up, including blueprints and manufacturing notes from the shipyard. She studied it closely for a minute until a satisfied grunt escaped her lips. The Vigilance was fast, agile and relatively heavily armed. Quite big for such a small crew to handle though, especially a miscreant bunch of criminals. Leaving it up on screen, she sauntered back to her chair and crashed into it. "Okay, hows it going?" she shot across to Rose before activating the intercom. "This is your pilot, please keep eyes on your status screens and lock yourself in for lift off. Three minutes, i repeat three minutes."