"I'm sure we can ask Renthal to have a look again later, and there's your friend too, yes? He seems like a bright one, between the two of them I'm sure they can think of something." Maybe Katas too, he was certainly an intelligent man. Though she loathed to voice it another option could be asking Garesh, seeing as everything happening to her son was a result of his work. It stood to reason that he would know what was happening, and perhaps even have a means of fixing it, but that was only if they could get him to talk. His sentencing was said and done with, he'd be spending quite a bit of time in prison, so they would somehow have to find a way to get him to agree to a deal maybe in return for information. Such a bothersome man to work with, she'd just as soon excommunicate him from the kingdom and let it be. Glancing over at Yusef as he left to track down the musician, Eslaria smiled slightly as she too got up from her seat, waving in some help to start clearing food and the table of dishes. "I'll get in touch with anyone I think can help you T'charrl, we'll see if we can do our part with this too. For right now though I really need to get back to work my dear, I hope that's okay." She wouldn't mind spending a little more time with her son, but with final negotiations between cities coming to a close and plans being set in place it was required of the Queen to be present. Leaning over T'charrl she placed a small kiss on his head before looking at his friends, a small frown forming on her lips. "You three, be sure to keep him safe. He's had enough of a hard time as it is, I don't want anything more to happen to him." Ah jeez, now Shu didn't feel like he belonged? With him and their friends Takeshi figured the little guy had no problem, so he couldn't relate to their own race then? To be fair Shu wasn't alone in that regard; Saiyans were kind of jerks in their experience, befriending the few they had was a miracle in of itself. Being partially human too made things a little confusing, and this was something the older boy could relate to actually. Being half of one race and half of another made you wonder which you really were, or if you belonged in either. Without his tail now Takeshi looked fairly human, albeit he was certainly stronger than any of his human counterparts, as was Shu. Shu did look different though, for both races and even monkeys, that had to be a headache. "Yeah, a job. You know... Get work, make some money. I don't know what either of us could do, but... Hey, we'd find something." Even if it was just physical labor, that would probably be their safest bet. Hauling around heavy objects or helping to build something was simple enough, even Shu ought to find it easy. As soon as he realized that the Queen was speaking to them Takeshi jumped a bit, giving her his fully undivided attention as he blinked owlishly. Oh good, she was just asking them to keep an eye on T'charrl, easy enough. "O-Of course miss! Er... Your Majesty! We're on it!" he replied, nodding his head quickly. "N-No, don't think of this as the truth! It's only something I've been wondering about, and I'm probably way off the mark," Yumi said, laughing uneasily, "There really isn't any evidence, just some stuff that seems weird. But hey, maybe they were being careful and figured it was best we get to see you, I don't know. There's really no way of knowing what the deal was without asking someone." There were going to be a lot of repercussions with Aito returning, many of which Yumi hadn't even considered until now. No one at the company knew of their plans, and no doubt there was going to be quite the mess upon the former head's return. That aside Capsule Corp was in the public image way too much to keep a secret like that, meaning everyone was going to find out that the company's deceased chairman was somehow back and doing his job again. Had Vegeta considered this all as well? Ultimately it was probably worth it, if the return of Aito meant Viral could be saved, but it certainly wasn't going to be an easy task. "Since you're listening to my crazy ideas now, maybe you'll hear me out on this one... What if Aito didn't make you with any purpose in mind?" Yumi asked, "What if... He wanted to just try it, and it worked? Or maybe you did have a purpose, but now he wants you to find your own? We'll see him soon enough if things work out, so you can ask him yourself if it'll help. I don't think anyone is purposely hiding anything from you, we just don't know."