[quote=@Kaithas] Hey, Lug, I wrote that I'm working on a Practice teacher next to the to do list XD I passed out last night before I could finish her. #narcolepsy [/quote] Oh, I see. Hm... Well, we might consider having two Practice teachers that work together. One that specializes in target/dummy practice, and the other that specializes in creating and managing obstacle courses. Or one of you can be the teacher and the other the teacher's aide. Basically I don't want to you have three characters while Harine, a co-gm, has only one. By the way, the classroom for Practice is outdoors, though in a sort of controlled area, like the Quidditch pitch in Harry Potter. It comprises a big shooting range, as well as a bunch of terrain that's perfect for obstacle courses. @Agent, I didn't delete it actually, even though I said I might. I'll take a look at the history and see what I can get for you.