Rattlesnake Jack raised an eyebrow at the un-natural creature, as she called him crazy. "Ain't the first time lady?" Rattlesnake Jack paused in contemplation, wondering whether or not that [i]thing[/i] could reasonably be counted as a lady. "...Thing, really. But if'n you [i]were[/i] a lady, ain't the first time lady-folk 'ave questioned me on the mat-" [i][b]WHAM![/b][/i] The sound of the metal stick striking against the asphalt below made a sound which disturbed Rattlesnake Jack's line of thought. Mayonnaise the Deranged Hermit narrowed his eyes, shifting some flakes of skin which fell from his eyebrows. Strangely some of it began floating in the wind, probably some mushroom spores that got caught within his savage locks.[color=0072bc]"Heroes!"[/color] he shouted out, as he coughed out a large chunk of phlegm, as he continued snorting and wheezing. Catching the phlegm in his left hand he wiped it through his beard as he stared at Jack and Alpha. [color=0072bc]"My task is but a simple one, and you shall get treasures untold! If you accept I shall open a gateway to the world where you shall retrieve the keg with the miraculous elixir."[/color] He said as he began brushing through his beard with his fingers. Rattlesnake Jack just stared rather confused at the man, "Right, so uh, how'll we get back? After I get my fill of looting done, and he gets... whatever he wants to do down there, I'd suppose." Rattlesnake Jack idly pointed out his left thumb at Alpha. The mysterious wizard began tapping his elongated fingernails upon each other, [color=0072bc]"That is the easy part. All you have to do is tell my contact, I do have an associate there, that THE WANDERER CALLS. Mmmmyesss"[/color] The Wizard began grinning, as he paused for a moment, [color=0072bc]"Though of course you'll need to know what they look like, and I have long since forgotten the appearance of my associate there. ...They are most likely still there, I did get a letter from them recently. Just pester anyone and everyone with THE WANDERER CALLS. Make it a part of your introduction, you'll find the associate."[/color] ----- The shutter above the metal door quickly slid open, as a pair of cybernetic red eyes focused upon Agent 'Smith' and Bee. [color=f26522]"Ah! Smith! Brought the new guy. Cool!"[/color] The door quickly swung open as 'Smith' gestured for Bee to follow him inside. Smith walked inside, as he cocked his head back to face him, "Alright, well, welcome aboard. If you need an actual tailor we've got one, but they are currently on break. Anyone, I'm sure you got the paperwork. We'll need to make sure you get your ID Card ready, and make sure we've gone over some other basic essentials." The inside of the room was rather plain, at least the main-hallway of the building. It was nothing more than concrete walls and floors, that were kept a lit with bright fluorescent light. Smith paused for a moment, "Ah yes, you need to meet the team-mates here. You met me, but..." Smith pointed back towards the door which quickly shut with a loud slam. He peered as he pointed at a rather strange looking thing. It was a Imp that, was mostly cybernetic in nature. From its back were twelve long spiny tendrils which were hooked into the walls. It spun its head in a 360 degree fashion, showing quite possibly the only non-roboticized feature of the creature. An orange head with two sickly yellow horns spurting out from its temple. It peered with its red cyber-eyes as it wiggled one of its tendrils out to wave at Bee, instead of using one of its stubby claws. [color=f26522]"Heyo! I'm Scrap, nice to meet you new guy. Oh, Smith you have his assignment?"[/color] 'Smith' nodded, "Quite, but before I take him to it, I need to give him a basic tour of the facilities. Besides being new here, I think he is fairly new to the organization over-all." Smith glanced back at Bee, "Unless of course you really want to get into the mission. I wouldn't blame you." ---- An old man was sitting on a local bench. He appeared happy and in bliss, zenly tossing large amounts of bird-seed. Pigeons from the area flew by to participate in this delicacy. He idly tapped on his penny-loafters as he spoke in a rather calm voice, "Ah hello David..." He said to one of the pigeons he would see everyday, who was noticeable due to a large scar on its left wing. The man smiled some more as he tossed out a bit more seed. Suddenly one of the birds flew away, at the same-time a strange looking boy pulled out an even stranger looking weapon. His eyes widened as he knew what was going to happen. It was not going to be a good day for this old man.