The kingdom sparkled with candles lit in windows of homes, night was upon it. Carriages, for those who had them, passed through the streets, making their way to the castle, which towered in the distance. From the gates to the doors, guards were stood at equal distances either side of the path way, lighting it for both drivers and those on foot. They looked smart and uniform, and there was little to distinguish one from the next, not that many would be looking at them. At the doorway, guests were greeted and announced to the hall, where a dance was already in swing. At the far end from the steps which allowed access to the room, were 2 occupied thrones, which were that of the queen and the king, both smiling kindly as they watched the meriment. If anyone was looking closely, they would have seen Edward, the eldest crowned prince, dancing away with a striking dark beauty, who was obviously pleased to be the current centre of attention. The only other royal child visible was Princess Avril, dressed in a pretty blue dress and talking to several young men. Anyone who knew her could tell she was little interested and looking for a polite way to excuse herself. The last of the royal children, though he was not a child any longer, was not visible. Stephen, quiet and shy, was absent, but there were many places someone like his was likely to seek refuge.