Smith just stared at Bee, "Transport are usually assigned on a mission by mission basis. There's a lot of paperwork to do before you get the transport. And it is rather thorough." He continued walking down the hall until he passed by a pod which glowed a sickly yellow. Smith stepped up to the keypad as he typed out a seemingly random series of numbers. The cylindrical pod doors hissed open as Smith gestured to Bee. "Just step on in, and this shall take you to the training department, where you can gain your identification card, and where you can ask any questions you like. I'll follow after you go through." [i]Wasn't 'Paperclip' supposed to be a more experienced agent? Possibly an ex-employee of a different agency? ...Strange, I really should go over the paperwork to confirm this. [/i]Smith pondered to himself, slightly nervous on the matter.