Dimitri stared with fascination as he watched the nurse do her work. With the speed of an old hand, the nurse had cut and cleaned away a sizable patch of Molly's hair around the wound and hand begun the stitching process, weaving the suture needle in and out of flesh as easily as a seamstress repaired a dress. The cyborg could barely contain his curiosity, "[b]So, if you don't mind me asking, what did you do before becoming a nurse? I don't imagine many school nurses would know how to stitch a wound.[/b]". The nurse didn't even look up as she spoke, "[i]I was a combat medic for a private contracting company before this. You name a battle zone and i've probably been there.[/i]". Dimitri's mouth hung open a bit, "[b]A combat medic? How in the name of the heavenly buddha did you end up here of all places?[/b]", this question prompted a wry smirk from the woman, "[i]Well, let's just say that my employers didn't take to kindly to me using prisoners we captured as training dummies for field work. I would've probably been arrested at some point had I not slipped off the grid.[/i]" she stated as nonchalantly as a person discussing the weather. If Dimitri's skin could become pale, he'd likely look like a ghost right about now. The school nurse had just admitted to being a mercenary who used human beings as guinea pigs as if it were the most normal thing in the world. The nurse seemed to pick up on his nervousness and chuckled, "[i]What's the matter kid, cat got your tongue?[/i]". Dimitri could only laugh nervously, noting silently that the entire time she had not stopped stitching as she spoke.