Meanwhile, in space, alarms were going off on every surviving starship in the fleet. "Captain" The Computer said "I have detected a super weapon big enough to wipe out this fleet and its defenses has been aimed at this fleet. it is heavily defended, will launch in exactly 10 cycles, and reach us in 2". "All ships begin immediate bombardment of the weapon and prepare emergency escape protocols!" The Captain ordered "If that thing goes airborne I want this fleet ready to put 8 multiverses between us and that thing!". The entire fleet then began firing at the missile and revved their engines into life in case they needed a quick escape. [hider=Star fleet info] Emergency escape: |||||||| Shock wave exclusion field duration: [color=00aeef]||||[/color]| Bass Cannon power: [color=ed1c24]|[/color][color=f7941d]|[/color][color=fff200]|[/color][color=00a651]|[/color][color=00aeef]|[/color]||||||||||||||||||| Main starship integrity: 84000 out of 84000 Main starship shield integrity: 10000 out of 10000 Escort fleet integrity: 200 out of 200 x 9900 [/hider]