The bell sounded and the students left. Sarina though just, omitted from reality with her arms crossed looking at the arena. Old memories flashed back when she had her first duel as a freshman. Pictures flashed in her mind of herself fighting against an opponent in the arena, a different looking one. Then she came to her senses, noticing Ms. Goodwitch talking to Paron. Sarina never liked nor hated Paron. They were rivals…well somewhat as Sarina never propagated it and looked on at him with a blank expression. There is one thing and that is that she never trusted him especially with his appearance and poofy outfit and his team attacking Jorgumandr which annoyed her as the team were composed of newbies. It did seem to Sarina that there was something Paron was dealing with his life. His meandering at the doors made her wonder if that attack on Jorgumandr caused something in him…or perhaps it was something else… From her perspective it seemed he was troubled, and lonely. Then Ms. Goodwitch walked up to Sarina. [b]“Are you…ok Ms. Goodwitch?"[/b] Ms. Goodwitch's green eyes leveled on Sarina for the first time, bringing her back from the past.[b] "Yes...please take the new roster of students from the second email sent to your scroll. Randomize the pairings, but once again, make sure that no teammates are pitted against one other." [/b]By now, most of the students had arrived, and the second period bell was preparing to sound. Knowing that the caring Sarina would continue to pursue the subject until she received a satisfactory result, Goodwitch decided to tell her. [b]"I'm concerned about Paron. He...rather, all of his team, have let themselves fall further and further onto the wrong path. I'm no Agesander, but it seems to me like they've left everything behind. It is worrisome, to say the least." [/b]She was, of course, referring to Paron's compatriots Kitty and Thistle. To those at all familiar with the events of last year, however, those three couldn't be named without recalling a fourth name: Leah the previous team leader and the ex-girlfriend of Paron, if the circulating rumors were to be held as truth. [b]"I'm thinking of having you take the day off as my assistant. Keep an eye on the freshmen; maybe help them out, and...Well, 'help' Paron, too."[/b] As a teacher, Goodwitch couldn't outright state ask that Sarina watch him for her. With Sarina as an assistant for more than a year now, however, Goodwitch knew she'd get the picture. [b]“Understood” [/b]as Sarina said in a monotone voice.[i] Oh great now I have to talk to him…[/i] Sarina randomized the pairings of the second group…who looked less interesting than the last group. Sarina afterwards walked out and reclined at a wall and brought up her scroll. She texted to several people [b]“Srry, can’t go to the city for lunch. GW asked me to look over the Freshies.” [/b] [b]“What a shame lol.” “K.” “:(" “See you later on!” [/b] were the texted responses she got. -- After going to her classes and pretty much being an A+ student in all her classes, Sarina went into the cafeteria to do her job as per instructed by GW, an acronym she used when mention Mrs. Goodwitch. Sarina never liked the cafeteria food and always preferred buying her food from the city. She instead reclined at a wall overlooking the students as they ate and socialized. Sarina to avoid the obvious went onto her scroll to look like as if she was checking something to which, she was pretty much browsing the net. Then she got a message from Ozpin about a four students rejected for failing the exams who were re-accepted for their heroic act of saving countless civilians against a Grimm attack and holding them off long enough for VPD and team CPLT to take over. She was sent their appearances learned there team name was BAST. Needless to say, Sarina waited to meet this team. Sarina noticed team [b]BAST [/b] and approached them casually.[b] “I must say, it’s impressive what you guys did in saving that site from a Grimm attack. My name is Sarina Tala Dei. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” [/b]