[h2]Charlotte - Shockwave's Lab, SE HQ[/h2] The robot seemed to have calmed down upon seeing Charlotte's reaction. She didn't really notice how bad things could have been if Shockwave wouldn't be able to glue his arm back on. Luckily for everyone, he wasn't some basic organic being who wouldn't be able to regrow limbs as easily as a fixable robot. As the jar containing the liquid substance fell, the image of Godzilla (lol) smoking weed while lying on a building took form right over her head for a brief second. She did not give a single fuck as to what the container held. While Shockwave totally got hot over the bizarre liquid's manifestation when confronted to the bot's body, Charlotte could only think about one thing: What it tasted like. While Decepticon took his time to examine the effects of the liquid and congratulate Charlotte on her "discovery", the witch's overgrown tongue stuck out and sucked the remaining puddle of liquid scattered around. As she consumed the material, her eyes turned into swirling patterns as if she was tripping serious balls. "[b]Waaaaahhhh... Roboman! E equals MC square! I saveeeeed the world![/b]" Wailed the little critter as the transformium acted as a form of drug to her. As usual, nothing was lethal to her nor very efficient on her being, but given the specificity of the product she consumed and how stronger is was than its common counterpart, it wouldn't be a surprise that it would even have wild effects on her. While she obviously seemed disoriented, her gait was just as bad, as she walked around the small lab whilst tipping over any small item she'd come across while riding the tables. "[b]Ciiiiinnnnder! I waaaaaaant my cheeeeeeeeeeeese from the cheeesemaaaaaker we stooole at the planet *hic*[/b]" She screamed out of blue, but apparently the little mic on her ear had been activated as she talked this time. She was contacting her colleague in hopes of having the promised cheese maker. However as she shouted her thoughts Shockwave could easily pry into her little fit of madness and acknowledge the things she wasn't suppose to say in the first place. [h2]Meta-Ridley - GFS Mothership Over Phaaze[/h2] There it was, that moment Ridley was dying to seize for himself, another chance to finally finish off the hunter who plagued his plans for multiple years now. Whether it was him or a cheap clone of himself, he could never emerge victorious against her, but now it was finally the time to settle some scores, after all the Multiverse would most likely have more beneficial effects for him. As the Hunter hopped out of her ship and tackled Ridley head on, the Cybernetic Dragon couldn't help but screech in anger in response to their very first contact. Though the Hunter would be greeted with such anger, she'd also be forced with a enjoyable welcome from Ridley's tail as it wrapped around her ankle while she attempted to shoot him. Destabilized, she was lifted up high as Ridley then tossed her onto the Mothership's bridge. Ridley had then abandoned the ship he as assaulting in order to prioritize the annihilation of his nemesis, leaving behind the other life form who was accompanying her. His tail remained wrapped around her ankle and he would kindly play around with her body as she would try to get up and attempt a steady shot on him. He'd lift up and them stomp on down on the steel hull. He liked to play with his food, and his fetish for grazing Samus' armor against walls was great proof of that as well. He knew full well, however, that her power suit would need much more efficient hits and a lot of damage for it to crumble. "[b]It has been a while, Hunter. It appears we are destined to endlessly fight each other no matter what space and time would impose on our fates.[/b]" "[b]Arragoz. You have a little more time. Use to to make sure everything's alright. When you're done, I'm expecting you near my location.[/b]" He had quickly briefed his colleague as Ridley's GPS location was marked on Faures' map which was later given to Arragoz. The creature's glare was powerful and expressed murderous intent. He didn't expect his little tail bind would last much longer with someone of Samus' caliber, but he would enjoy every second of the torture he'd set upon her. The nearby ships had stopped shooting as they took into account their ally, Samus, and wouldn't risk shooting her during the little confrontation. Behind Ridley's intimidating being, both of his future adversaries could see the huge, glowing blue orb that was the new planet Phaaze. The existence of that thing would more than likely peek some interests in the group. This fight was going to be a good one. [h2]Corporal Faures - GFS Mothership's Engine Room[/h2] Arragoz was leading everything as planned, and he seemed to be a good adept of stealth approaches despite his brute-like appearance. When the creature had cleared the area with his unconventional weaponry and enormous strength, the three team members hopped in and insured the complete security of the room. The two foot soldiers patrolled multiple times to check every detail of the area while Faures immediately hopped into a computer and accessed its multiple control panels. As he clicked a few keys, small switches on the main engines turned red and each had their ventilation forcibly opened. The plan was for Arragoz to plant his specialized explosives on there for maximum damage and immediate destruction of the entirety of the ship's prime functionality. "[b]Ey' Boss. We need to fill these bitches with your stuff and get off this rig.[/b]" Announced Faures right before a small alarm occurred. Though Faures didn't really do anything against protocol, it appears the GFS soldiers had likely taken notice of their presence due to some heart monitors being turned off. Sure a lot of the marines were dying fairly quickly and in masses against Ridley, but those in sensitive patrol location were likely monitored. Their pulse being too low because of their unconscious state, a squad was sent toward them. Faures jumped on the emergency lock switch next to the room's only entrance if we didn't count the multiple air locks. He then had himself and the two other soldiers take position behind metal pillars and small foundations in order to prepare for a firefight. A strong dozen of them were coming and they wouldn't take too long to take down the door. "[b]Boss! They're onto us! We gotta haul ass real quick![/b]"