As Bee entered the pod, and struck the pose, the doors hissed back shut. The pod glowed a little, as a female robotic voice spoke up in an overly cheerful voice. "Destination: Training Center." The pod quickly shot down, and in a process of a little less than three minutes it reached its destination. The pod doors hissed open as the interior of, at least part of the training center was visible. It was a rather high-tech looking room with tons of gadgets, many of which may have just been there for flavor. It was unlike the concrete rooms he had seen earlier, and were colored in bright reds and light blacks. In front of Bee stood another rather professional looking individual. She was dressed in a black skirt suit, complimented by light brown stockings and a pair of black heels. Her blond hair, which was obviously dyed, if one spotted her black roots was pulled back into a pony-tail. Around her neck was a pair of neon pink headsets. She adjusted her bright blue tie, as she extended out her hand for a shake. She was chewing a piece of bubble-gum, which she blew into a small bubble before popping it. "Name's Akiko. Right then, as with all new recruits I imagine you have several questions?"