Octavius grinned as the ship started moving once more. The timing was almost perfect. They would work on that. As it was, he figured they were still going well. The survivors would head back to port and let everyone know that there was another pirate in town, and that this one meant business. The memory of a man with a furry daemon for an arm would surely terrify all involved, and maybe some would remember who the real king of pirates was. He was smiling at the thought when Ceres approached. His expression faded at the sight of her, but he didn't seem terribly upset. She just wanted to confirm that they were to continue on their way. "Aye, back on our way." he agreed, doing a circuit of the deck to see what they had pulled off the ship. Mostly supplies, it seemed. Most of the men who'd been sailors and not pirates didn't seem to agree with the idea of looting anything and everything. The pirates in the crew had been quick, however, and he thought he noted pockets hanging slightly heavier, which made him smile. He just hoped that this bunch would be tough enough to survive a few moments against their target. Rather than worry about anything, though the warlord focused on relaxing, which largely involved staying away from his first mate so she couldn't stress him out with her strange inclination toward pushing his buttons. It turned out that staying calm was a lot harder than he thought, though. The waiting was starting to get to him, and he hadn't even been waiting very long since their last exciting event. He then realized he'd never had this problem before. When he'd been the king, the waiting was fine. Every second he wasn't busy, was a second spent revelling in the power that came with being the best. Now he was stuck here waiting. He supposed he was on the path to his previous position, but it wasn't good enough. He wanted to be back there already. Instead he was stuck on a useless ship with his crew scattered to the wind. No one even knew his name...